Summer Classes and Assorted Other Depravities

Apr 25, 2005 19:49

I've forgotten to post about this but I have finished my first entry in chain_of_fics here. It's MitKo (but gen) and God, how much do I miss Slam Dunk right now? So far, my feeble attempts to write a single decent Senru fic hasn't resulted into naything post-able.

Ah yes, summer classes. I have two: Spanish 10 and Creative Writing 10. I didn't get Italian because the only class available was at seven in the funkin' morning and I don't condone that kind of student cruelty. Classes are fine so far, if a bit exhausting. In an exercise yesterday at Span, I got to play Oprah! *g* But I'm mighty jealous that chasethecat is now enjoying her summer vacation and I'm not! *sulks*


Random community pimpage because this really can't be missed. deadmentalking: a community where undead historical figures congregate and talk about the Big Issues, like boxers vs. briefs. XD This community is the best crack ever. They have Che Guevara, Rasputin, Lorenzo de Medici and other kooky characters.

I was particularly floored by the flirting/feuding thing going on with Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine happening here and here. How I love my emotionally tortured, abusive, alcholic French poets. Squee!

*is a history-whore sometimes*
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