
Jul 01, 2006 16:06

Title: Italy
Type: Original (Poetry), One-Shot
Rating: G
Summary: Italy is a beautiful place.
Notes: More poetry. This was written in Modernism, when we were asked to write a poem about a place we'd been to once during a presentation on Amy Lowell. It's... erm... okay? I liked it enough to post it on DeviantArt, so I might as well put it here, too. X3;
Crosspost: DeviantArt,

Masks and glass and leather
A villa so old it's beautiful
A towering dome that touches the sky
Food that never leaves one full
Water coming up as it comes down
And all the glass and all the masks
History standing shoulder-to-shoulder
With today's people and their unhurried tasks
At night a traveller stops to sing
As his wife begins to dance
At night two brothers scare two girls
And are the fuel of later rants
The gods, the boar, the golden locks
And a city fallen into nature
The smell of smoke, the tinge to Coke
And though painful, memories rapture.

original, poetry, rating: g

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