She Won't Be in His Bunk

Jul 29, 2008 16:53

Title: She Won't Be in His Bunk
Type: Fanfiction, One-Shot
Rating: NC-17
Summary: She just needs it, just once. Jayne/Zoe
Disclaimer: I do not own Firefly or any related plots and characters. They are the property of Joss Whedon and others who, as I have previously stated, are not myself. I am merely writing this for fun, and have no intention of using it for profit.
Notes: Written for oxoniensis's original Porn Battle VI (The Undiscovered Country). And yes! I wrote het sex! Kind of not-real-intense het sex, unsurprisingly, but I kept scouring the prompts and nothing was really hitting me until I noticed this one, because I'd thought about it before, about writing a fic sort of like this (though less intense on the sex and more with the angst). Surprisingly (to me), this seems to be better-liked than most of my other porn. It could just be the greater popularity of het (though I wouldn't have expected that at the PB, I'll admit), or it could be that I just am worse at writing gay sex than I thought. XD
Also, SPOILERS in a big way for Serenity (the Big Damn Movie, that is).

She knew, before it was over, that it would never happen again.

Jayne fucked like a dog, desperate for the end and panting and just going at it without any tenderness or feeling. It was what Zoe needed, actually, why she was on top of him, squirming for release, her fingers clawing into his side.

She didn't deny who it was. She didn't pretend that it was somehow Wash, that her husband could have been so disinterested in her face, in hearing her laugh even when he made her come. She knew who it was she was fucking, the broad shoulders, the unpleasantly prickly facial hair that she only brushed against once, accidentally.

They didn't kiss on the mouth, of course. Jayne had rules and Zoe didn't want him to think it meant something more than that just this once, she needed a body without much of a mind in it.

She'd thought, very briefly, about Mal. It made her shiver unpleasantly; she couldn't even imagine him naked in any sort of sexual way. She'd seen him naked, sure, but it had been a nakedness of necessity, and-

She groaned, surprised that Jayne had lasted so long already. She hadn't expected much of him, really, but his cock was still hard, still sliding in and out.

She'd thought of Simon, too. It was too much to ask of him, and besides, he was with Kaylee. It would have been nice, though.

Jayne tried to roll them over, but she kept her legs locked, her body up, staying in control. This was her fuck; he was just there to keep her happy, and getting off as a sort of side-effect.

She'd even considered Inara, but she didn't exactly like the idea of the Companion taking her meager payment out of pity. She might've been rejected before even that, since Inara wouldn't even do business with the captain if he had a fortune. She didn't want to come between them, anyway.

Jayne pushed up into her once, twice more, and he was spent; he'd done better than she'd thought he would, but she was still hadn't come. She slid off of his body and onto the bed - his bed, of course, she'd never have let him into her bed, Wash's bed - and trailed a hand downward, but he batted it away, pressing his fingers into her, showing more expertise than he had in the straight-out fucking, teasing her clit in just the right way-

She closed her eyes, and would have sworn, just for a second, that Wash was there.

Zoe was dressed and on her way out of Jayne's bunk in less than five minutes; he was still on the bed, laying languid in the wet spot, uncaring and naked. Before she could step out, he called to her.

"I don't guess we'll be doing that again, huh."

She stopped, not looking at him. Sometimes, Jayne seemed smarter than he looked. She had expected crudeness, unthinking remarks that left her with regret.

Sometimes she forgot Jayne was a human with emotions, just like her.

"Not in this lifetime," she said, and it was a promise.

She heard a rustle, but Jayne didn't get up. "Well, it was fun, anyway."

She left, and dreamt that night of Wash and the children they would never have. She did not dream of Jayne, and she did not return to his bunk.

firefly, pwp, jayne/zoe, rating: nc-17

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