Title: United We Stand Thongs
Type: Fanfiction, Drabble
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Briefs or die!
Disclaimer: I do not own Blades of Glory or any related plots and characters. They are the property of others who, as I have previously stated, are not myself. I am merely writing this for fun, and have no intention of using it for profit.
Notes: Written for
aynisha's prompt
Crosspost: NONE
"I don't half-ass anything; it's full-ass or no-ass all the way, and the same thing goes for my underwear."
"Jimmy's doing it." Jimmy blushed. Coach knew things and had more or less blackmailed him.
"Jimmy has nothing to hide! Sorry, Jimmy."
"It's okay." Chazz was just upset.
"Every woman on the planet has seen it." Coach had a point.
"But not the men!"
"I have."
Silence. Jimmy blushed deeper, but if he was wearing a thong on a magazine cover, he wasn't going to suffer alone. Finally, Coach recovered. "You're doing it, Chazz. That's final."
"You'll pay for this, MacElroy."