'"It's bad-ass," Downey told Britain's News of the World.'

Aug 04, 2009 21:18

So I'm sure you all know by now how there's going to be a new Sherlock Holmes film. It is going to be awful; we knew this. Anyway. On a not unrelated topic, we could play a game of What's Wrong With This Article only we'd be here all week. I'm trying to find something that isn't wrong with this article instead. I really do not think I have anything.

Pretty much everyone involved, I fear, must be totally off their rocker in one direction or another. I could quote bits that are especially ????-worthy but since that is basically every word, you know... never mind.

(Thanks to catoblepas for the heads up on this particular piece of incredible WTF.)

get your train-wreck here, not tea-safe, epic fail, sharing the pain, sherlock holmes (only not at all), someone is confused. or everyone. yeah., um..., do you actually /know/ any women?

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