Oct 16, 2008 07:00
I got The Chronicles of Amber out from the library last weekend and finally finished various other books I was working my way through yesterday morning, so I started reading it when I went to bed last night.
And read and read and read and read.
Why on earth haven't I read this before? I think I'm sort of in love. I want my own copy! I want to read it OVER and OVER until I have to buy a new copy! ...okay fine. I've only read Nine Princes in Amber so far. But I am in love with that. Had totally forgotten that fantasy could be this good.
(Resisting picking it up again to continue right now because I fear that would be my day gone. Early morning and late evening are my main book-reading times. But, heh, to think when I picked it up from the library I feared it would just sit there unread due to length...)