The important points:
- Sarah-time on Thursday! I haven't seen Sarah in a very long time, so this is totally welcome news. Sarah, I'd stalk you for more of your time here if I was less broke. I could stalk you for more of your time here (ie Tuesday evening? Oh hell, I forget when you're arriving) if you wanted to do really cheap things. Are other people coming with you, in the end, or is it just you? Also, Pez has work of course but we can see if she wants to be kidnapped in the evening, if she's not too tired or whatever.
- I did not sleep enough.
- I have been knitting. I created a mutated Thing in the interests of relearning how to do the stitches. Maybe next time I'll try making something which actually IS something, rather than a monstrosity which looks as though it's about to leap for my throat. I look on this as honing either my mad cat lady or my mad archaeologist skills. I think deformed knitwear is a requirement for either role.
- I also talked with
readerofasaph last night (for the first time in quite a while, wow) and have been left with the overwhelming urge to write strange Hunter x Hunter fanfic. And make other people write HxH fanfic. And try to push the fandom to some kind of critical mass where it becomes ALIVE. (Possibly this will involve an Igor and some lightning-rods and a suitably stormy night. Pull the first lever!) There's always the part where I sort of don't feel I should actively involve myself in fandom much right now, though. But then again, there's always backstory to write for Illumi (which is sort of linked in to some Killua stuff) and fic of wrong to write for Hisoka and there must be something to write for Kuroro, damn.
- IF THERE'S A WALL, WE BREAK IT DOWN. Words to live by. *laugh*
- Back to London shortly. Everything you might've wanted me to do over the weekend requiring a fast net connection can probably get done, but you might need to remind me what it was. I took a whole bunch of stuff back to store away here and am now trying to resist the urge to repack my bags with different books, as that'd rather defeat the object of the exercise.
- I've spent all weekend Not Writing. This can't continue indefinitely - I drive myself nuts, apart from anything else - but it was kind of nice. I re-read Saiyuki and considered the merits of thinking of it as a post-apocalyptic setting and decided that it was Good. Watch me be years behind the rest of the fandom. I am sort of bizarrely fond of the idea that just off-stage somewhere there might be big industrial cities, even if they're mostly-ruined, rather less than half functional, poorly understood.
Tea tea tea tea tea I need more tea. Also breakfast, although really it's more like lunch now. And then I need to be a bit more efficient in my packing and head for the station.