Rikkai, you're such an ebil empire, aren't you? *cracks up* :D
Renji's song sucks as much as I remembered. :( And I'd obviously just totally blanked Inui's song. I kind of half remembered it when I really thought but... yeah, fail.
Sanada and Yukimura are so ludicrously OTP in the myus it's just... I don't even know. More angsty lovesongs. Bahaha. ♥
Hee hee, Samurai obsession. I don't know who's worse, Sanada or Echizen. (I can't listen to these songs without remembering Sanada making like his racket was a sword. XDDD)
HIGA SONG WINS AT LIFE. >D >D >D "No problem."
Giri giri~
Pez has the tracklist up in romanji with rough translation. Title of Higa song = The assassins from the southern island. HIGA HITMEN FIC NOW PLZ. DO WANT. (I know I was trying to write such a thing but argh, I'm getting hopelessly buried under WIPs at the moment and not finishing any of them. Maybe one day!)