Fic: Teenage Dirtbag [1/1]

Jun 10, 2011 12:05

Title: Teenage Dirtbag
Author: givethemxbloodx
Rating: PG
Warnings: Swearing
Author's Notes: Based on the song 'Teenage Dirtbag' by Wheetus.
Summary: Frank's so low on the social ladder, he's pretty much invisible.

Frank sat and stared, a heavy sigh leaving his lips for what felt like the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. And it didn’t go unnoticed by the group sitting at the lunch table with him.

“Frank, Jesus. Why don’t you just go talk to him, instead of drooling over the poor guy like a fucking creeper,” Bob scoffed from Frank’s left, his cheek cupped in the palm on his hand as he rested his elbow against the cheap, sticky plastic of their table.

Frank quickly snapped out of his trance, glaring daggers at Bob, his cheeks turning a faint pink at being caught. “I was not being a creeper,” he grumbled, picking up his long forgotten fork and prodding at what the school cafeteria deemed suitable for consumption. Really, the chunky mashed potatoes and mystery meat should’ve been investigated and banned, but alas.

“Frank, you were practically drooling. Sorry, dude, but you kind of were being a creeper,” Ray pointed out, looking only slightly apologetic at the admission. He’s already pushed his untouched lunch away and has out a textbook to cram for a science test he has next period.

“I can’t help it,” Frank starts, only to be cut off by Bob. “Yes you can, Iero. You can look down at your lunch instead of staring googly-eyed across the cafeteria and risk getting shot by McCracken for eyeballing his boyfriend.”

Frank visibly shrunk at the reminder of Gerard’s boyfriend, the infamous Bert McCracken, who apparently had a hand gun he stole from his father’s closet stashed in the back paneling of his locker. It was all only speculation, of course, but Mary Dooley from his AP English class insisted she saw Bert pull it out one day to threaten some kid who’d knocked his books out of his grip by accident. Frank thought she was actually just making shit up to become more popular, thanks to the gossip chain, but one could never be too careful.

Either way, though, Frank couldn’t help but let his gaze wander back to the ethereal being that was Gerard Way. He’d only ever spoken to the guy once, in freshman year, before he hooked up with McCracken and became so off-limits that only Bert and his friends ever get to talk to the poor guy. Frank figured he’s probably lonely, being surrounded by the same four guys who quite obviously share very little in common with him, but he’s never really seen him look upset about it. As a matter of fact, Gerard always seemed to have a smile planted on his face whenever he saw him at school. He thinks it’s a little weird that a psycho like Bert put it there, but there’s not really anything he can do about it. Since freshman year, Gerard’s become some sort of popular idol, whereas Frank is. Well, Frank is Frank, and that’s it, really. He’s so low on the social ladder, he’s pretty much invisible. But, he has no problem dealing with that.

“C’mon, class is going to start soon,” Ray said, breaking Frank’s train of thought as he shoved his books back into his bag haphazardly.

Frank let out one last longing sigh, before Bob practically yanked him up out of his chair and out into the hallway.

- -

“Fuck, prom season already?” Bob grumbled, yanking the small, glitter covered flier off of his locker, crumpling it up and tossing it over his shoulder without a care, earning a quick ‘Hey!’ and a grumble from a couple of juniors who had been walking by.

“It totally sucks,” muttered Frank, slumping against the locker next to Bob while he waited for the taller teen to grab his books, “I say we just hang out at mine, pig out on pizza, and watch horror movies all night, since we don’t have dates.”

“Speak for yourself, Frankie,” Ray chirped, coming up from Bob’s other side with a lopsided grin.

“…What the fuck, Ray?” Frank whined, pushing off the locker, struggling only for a moment when his Black Flag t-shirt decided it wanted to get caught on the locker’s lock.

“I just asked Christine out, and she said yes,” Ray practically bubbled, earning a congratulatory hair ruffle from Bob, which was really something, since Bob wasn’t really overly touchy feely. Unless Frank was climbing on him, but that was an entirely different story.

“So now it’s just me and Bob for boys night?” Frank asked, his lower lip sticking out, the ring there becoming quite prominent with the action.

“Actually…” Bob said, actually looking pretty embarrassed as he looked back over to Frank. Frank paled and shook his head.

“No! No way! You guys can’t BOTH bail on me!” he said, stomping his foot on the ground like a child that was just denied their favourite candy.

“Why don’t you just come to Prom, Frank?” Ray asked with a small shrug, gripping at his backpack straps, “You never know, you might actually have fun. And we can totally hang out after, okay?”

“Yeah, ‘cause you guys are going to bail on your dates and potentially getting laid to come hang out with your loser friend,” Frank muttered self depreciatingly, scuffing his toe against the linoleum on the hallway.

“Buck the fuck up, Iero,” Bob said, shoving the shorter teen lightly in the shoulder. “Come to Prom. Like Ray said, you might have some fun. Besides, Gerard’ll be there. You can drool over his suit or some shit.”

Frank did perk up a little at that, only to deflate again. “Yeah, but he’ll be with Bert. And that’s just kind of depressing.”

“You know, they say that over half of high school relationships end at Prom,” Ray pointed out, tilting his head a little, his fro bobbing thoughtfully, “Maybe theirs’ll be one of them.”

- -

Frank huffed quietly from where he sat in the gym, half curled into his chair, glaring out over all the couple dancing closer to the center and front of the gym, where a band was screaming into a microphone, some song or another he’d never heard of before. It was probably a local band the school hired for cheap, he figured. He sighed and pulled his knee up so he could rest his chin on it. It was prom night, and he felt like complete and utter crap. Ray and Bob disappeared with their dates shortly after arriving, the girls dragging them off to dance or drink punch, or some other cliché thing that Frank could take part in because he was a total loser who had to go stag because he didn’t have the balls to ask anyone out, and no one had bothered to ask him. His life sucked, that was all there was to it. He’d even seen Bert and Gerard at one point, acting as couple-y as ever. So much for Ray’s theory on Prom break-ups. Totally blown out of the water, and then eaten by a giant, land dwelling squid. Or something equally as absurd and dramatic.

He glanced up over the crowd one more time before finally deciding it was definitely time to go as the hired band started to play some sappy love song, and the whole gym suddenly seemed to group into pairs. The whole scene was just way too depressing for him to bare, so he let his foot slide off the chair and hit the floor with a dull thump, before shoving his tiny, bony body out of the chair and turn to head for the door. Only, when he turned, he came face to face with none other than the boy he’d spent the last four years drooling over. Gerard. And he was smiling lopsidedly at Frank in that cute was that made Frank’s heart seem to stutter to a stop.

“Hi,” Gerard said with a tiny wave, his pinky finger sticking out at an odd angle, which caught Frank’s attention for a moment, before he snapped his gaze back to the older boy’s face.

“Hey,” he managed to get out, only squeaking a little bit, which he counted for a great victory, since he normally found himself mute when he was around the other.

“So…I heard you like the Bouncing Souls,” Gerard said, shifting on his feet, almost seeming nervous as he tucked a few stray raven locks behind his ear, biting absently at his lower lip. Frank really couldn’t help but stare at the tiny baby teeth for a moment, before his brain caught up to what he was asked.

“Huh? Oh! Yeah. Yeah, I love them,” he said with a nod, shifting back on his heels a little, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He was trying his best to act cool, though he was sort of failing miserably. The way he had his hands shoved into his pants pockets made his suit jacket bunch up, which caught on his dress shirt, and began to pull it out of it’s tucked in position. He was inadvertently making himself look more like a slob, not that he noticed though.

“Awesome! I love them, too,” Gerard said eagerly, digging into his pocket and pulling out two concert tickets, brandishing them at Frank. “I bought these a few weeks ago, and I was going to go with Bert, but…we kind of broke up,” he said, looking down at the papers in his hand, before looking hopefully up at Frank. “And, like, I know this is totally sudden and stupid, because we haven’t spoken since freshman, and I’m really sorry about that, I feel like a total ass, but I thought this might maybe make up for it? And we could start hanging out a bit? I just…you seem really nice, and I’ve always thought you were cool, and-”

Frank help up a hand to stop Gerard’s rambling. The poor guy was practically going red in the face from lack of oxygen, he was talking so much and so fast. The older boy’s face fell a bit when Frank raised his hand, clutching at the tickets in his hand, almost crushing them.

“I’d love to go with you,” Frank said with a charming smile, removing his hands from his pockets and lacing his fingers together behind his back. Internally he was freaking the fuck out and jumping for joy at the same time. There was no fucking way this was happening. Not to him.

That thought made him pause, and he glanced at Gerard suspiciously for a moment. “This isn’t some sort of cruel Prom prank, is it?” Frank asked, suddenly not so sure about the whole situation. It was too opportune.

Gerard sighed and pressed the tickets against Frank’s chest, forcing the shorter boy to catch them as he pulled away so they wouldn’t hit the deck.

“It’s not, I swear. Even if you don’t believe me, at least take the tickets. I’ll meet you at the venue. That sounds fair, right? That way, even if I am playing a joke on you, you can still see the concert,” Gerard said, waving a hand a little, looking sort of put out.

Frank eyed him for another moment, glancing at the tickets in his hands, before smiling faintly at Gerard. “Sorry. This shit just doesn’t happen in real life, you know? Normally the nerds never get the guy, and if he thinks he does, it’s all just a big ruse,” the shorter teen said quietly, barely audible over the booming music still blaring from the stage.

Gerard simply grinned and leaned in to peck Frank on the cheek. “I swear it’s not. I kind of always wanted to get to know you better, but Bert was protective of me. Overbearing, y’know? But, tonight he told me he wanted to break up because there were, and I fucking quote, ‘bigger and better things in college’. I just…I know it totally makes it sound like I’m going on a rebound, asking you out, and I’m sorry for that. But Bert and I’ve been falling apart for a while now, and I just…wanted to see if you wanted to hang out, at the very least.”

Frank simply beamed, clutching the concert tickets tightly in his hand. “Of fucking course I would,” he breathed, feeling like a complete and utter star struck, over the moon moron, but he didn’t care. Not at the moment, at least. “C’mon. Let’s blow this popsicle stand. I’ve got a stack of horror movies sitting at home with our names on ‘em,” Frank said with a laugh, grabbing Gerard’s hand as they headed out of the gymnasium door.


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