Mar 18, 2005 16:09
You know what I found out today?
It's really fun being ignored by friends.
The only one that didn't ignore me today was Roisin, because she's a dawwl. Hehe. And Harry asked me what was wrong when we were waiting to go into Chemistry
I was sitting there on the bus this morning on the verge of crying because my throat was hurting me so much and I was tired and neither Ellie or Amy said anything. And then when I got into school I sat at the table in the canteen with everyone else and Jade, Emma, Juliet and Sinead were sitting all facing each other and then I was next to Sinead so I was kind of the outsider. And I was bloomin' made to feel like one cause they didn't even say anything to me. At all. Nothing. I don't even know why I bother with them, it's not like I ever see them outside of school. I don't see Emma, I certainly don't see Jade and I'm not really that great friends with Juliet and Sinead so... I dunno it just really pissed me off. There was a few other times today as well but I can't remember/be bothered to write them up in here
Now on to the reasonably better stuff. I was walking up the stairs to form this afternoon and Kelsey was in front of me and then she realised I was behind her and she said "I saw you singing at the concert in Music, you were really good!" And that was like... whoa cause she's a really good singer.
And then I was waiting for the bus and Ciaran came up to me [not Roisin's Ciaran, though I did see him then Roro!] and said just about the same, adding "I didn't know you could sing" *straight face* Gee, thanks Ciaran! Haha but it was really sweet cause he didn't mean it to sound rude or anything and I haven't had a propper convo with him in aaaaaaaaaages!
I'm off now, Gemma's coming in less than an hour *dances*