Dropping meme.

Oct 06, 2008 19:40

State of the Union:


IC: Dee is awesome. Like, there are no words for how awesome he's doing right now. The last thread with Ryo really brought his mood up, and I honestly don't think he's ever been this happy while being in camp. He's also happy that Bikky's back - which he will never admit, gtfo - and that just kind of adds to his good mood. There are very few things that could actually bring down his mood at the moment. NOT EVEN HALLOWEEN CAN.

OOC: I've been playing him a bit more often lately, and I think that's brought me out of the "meh" mood I've been in with him for a while. Updating helped a lot, and I'm glad that I get to play from newer canon. I'm working on getting him out even more now, to revive the camp relationships he had and start some new ones.

Ideas: Post post post. I haven't posted with Dee in almost 10 months. There is seriously something wrong with that.

Dropping: Never. Not unless everyone important to him suddenly drops.


IC: While things have been alright for him lately, he's kind of . . . antsy. In that "I've been doing the same shit over and over" kind of way. He's also been sick, so he hasn't been able to use A-T for the past week, and that's driving him up a wall. But all in all he's Ikki, and he'll bounce back and pretend nothing has happened and move on with his plans to once again use the volcano for dubious means.

OOC: Sometimes I worried I'm not retarded enough with him. But then he'll have a thread and do something so unbelievably stupid it puts all my worries to rest. :|b

Ideas: I have no ideas for him. :|b



IC: Baby: Loves camp, loves being with everyone, and doesn't even realize he's trapped anymore. He's totally chasing strange-shaped animals as I type this.

Adult: is pretty zen about everything. He kind of enjoys when camp messes with the bazooka and lets him stay in camp longer than five minutes, because he has friends his younger self doesn't have. And he also gets to spend more time getting to know the young Vongola family.

OOC: Lambo has become such a backburner that sometimes I forget I have him. I'm not sure if this is good or not. I love playing him when I do! But I don't bring him out as much as I should, and it kind of bothers me. He's not really . . . in danger of being dropped yet, but.

Ideas: GET HIM OUT MORE, god.

Dropping: Fairly high but like I said, not likely yet.


IC: Still loves camp. ♥ While she is sad that people have left, Mokona knows that she will see them again one day, somehow, and that's what keeps her happy. Plus, her "family" is here, and that's all she really needs.

OOC: Mokona is good. |D I enjoy every time I bring her out, and while I don't do it as much as I used to, I'm content with her being a borderline backburner. She had her primary-ness for a while, and I'll probably go back to her in a few months.

Ideas: More playercest mascot antics, FEATHER POST, Marcy playtime post, PAY FOR HER ACCOUNT sob

Never: Extremely low. Loev Mokona.


IC: Also loves camp! And is in an . . . okay place! He hasn't talked to Master yet about Van being in camp, and while he has talked to Van a bit, he's worried. :( But all in all, he's a very content cheagle.

OOC: Mieu had been in danger of being dropped for a long time. And then the anime came out and revived my love for him times ten. I WILL NEVER DROP HIM EVER he is too cute and while sometimes I worry about not playing him enough, I am content with how often I do play him. :(((

Ideas: ICON REVAMP, playercest mascot antics, turning him into a human.

Dropping: Extremely low. My love has been revived. \o/

IC: Is good as long as Ryoutarou's there and isn't getting himself into too much trouble and is happy. Ryoutarou happy = Momotaros happy.

OOC: Uh . . . I'm kind of burnt out on him, to be honest. I'm hoping that when the movie comes out I'll feel like playing him again, but as for now . . . I don't know. It's hard to explain. WE SHALL SEE.

Ideas: Pay for his account orz.

Dropping: Extremely high.

IC: Is in an okay place; he misses Kaoru and Yahiko and everyone, but he's also glad they can't be trapped with him here. And despite having former enemies with him in camp (HI OKITA) he is very zen about it all. It's safe to say he's somewhat happy, even.

OOC: Kenshin is so much fun to play, because he's the complete opposite of what I usually play. I don't get him out as often as I like, but I've been better at it lately. Plus, my love for RK has been revived ten-fold, and all I really want right now are canonmates. ):

Ideas: Post introducing himself. Something not involving laundry.

Dropping: Extremely low. He's still new to me, so.

IC: Is . . . very hard to explain, and in other ways, is very easy. He loves camp! He loves being able to make friends and hang out with people and generally be a kid, and then there's the fact that he can spend time with Sanzo like he did before the journey. On the other hand, he's worried because they're trapped and if anything happens (re: his diadem breaking/coming off) it's not like they can clean things up and move onto the next town. It's not something he thinks about often, but it's there in the back of his head.

OOC: I LOVE GOKU SO MUCH and canon is awesome and bawwww and more awesome and more baaaawww and I just. Love playing him.

Ideas: BELATED INTRO POST? Cast antics?! Idk.

Dropping: Extremely low.

dropping meme, meme, [ooc]

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