OOC: More Notes on Dani

Sep 18, 2010 20:43

Notes on Dani

- Dani is a Pusher. She’s able to put thoughts in peoples’ head and make them believe they’re true. When she is using her abilities, her eyes go completely black. She is actually an incredibly gifted Pusher but is unaware of this. She thinks she has to talk to Push. No one has broken her Pushes or realized they’ve been Pushed and she has Pushed many a Division agent.

- Because she believes that talking is so critical to her abilities, Dani tends to talk very little. She uses short, clipped sentences and gets straight to the point when she does have to talk a lot. If she talks a lot to a person, it means she trusts them.

- She tends to be overly paranoid and cautious. It comes from a lifetime of wondering when Division is going to move in or check up on her. She tends not to trust people either because she never knows if that person might be working for Division.

- Underneath all the paranoia and trust issues, Dani does want to be close to people. She likes to crowd watch, stand on the edges and want to be part of the world. If she is brought into one, she does pretty well. She’s friendly enough and likes a good time but she doesn’t always actively engage people.

- Put Dani behind a bar and her whole demeanor changes. She becomes flirty, outgoing and very confident. Bar tending is the job she does most frequently and usually Pushes her way into it. She likes to work the late shifts and cashes all her checks.

- She has spent most of her life on the run, bouncing from place to place. When she was eight Division killed her mother and took her father and she has been making her way in the world on her own ever since. To get into schools, foster care and halfway houses she often Pushes the people in charge to accept her.

- In school she loved math and how numbers always work out if you know the right steps. It was always her favorite subject. She joined the track team to get better at running and runs every morning and night, no matter where she is. She’s very fast.

- Her love of math and numbers in school made her realize that she could hide from Watchers if she stayed in places where there was a lot of gambling. All the probability and constantly changing odds and outcomes interferes with Watchers and gives her a safety net for a while. She can most often be found in Vegas.

- Dani loves music and dancing, yet she rarely indulges in these things. She would probably be a dancer if she had a chance to stay in one place long enough to take longer classes and get better. She knows a number of styles and will sometimes memorize dance routines from classic musicals. Her iPod is one of her most prized possessions.

- She almost always carries a large messenger bag with her. It’s her “I’ve got to run” bag. In it she keeps her favorite things, a spare set of clothes and a first aid kit. She also has a .32 revolver in the bag and spare ammunition. She keeps the majority of her cash in it as well.

- When in trouble, Dani runs first and Pushes last. If she is cornered, she will Push. She has yet to kill anyone using her abilities. Generally, she tells a person that they never saw her, couldn’t find her and that she’s probably somewhere else. This "Never Found" Push is her signature Push.

- Her cardinal rule of Pushing is keep it simple. She rarely constructs elaborate plots or stories around her Pushes. Her father taught her that a Push is like a good lie, it has to contain a bit of truth for it to be believed.

- Not knowing what happened to her father after Division got him weighs on Dani more than anything else. She’s torn between wanting him to be alive and working for Division and hating him for it, or being dead and hating him for that too.

- Dani is familiar with Nick and Cassie. She had no involvement with the events in Hong Kong and doesn’t really want to get involved, but has signed on for the "Rebellion" because she wants a normal life so badly. She's cautious about her involvement and stands on the fringes.

- Dani has gone up against a fair number of Division goons over the years. She is weakest against Bleeders who can keep her at a distance and drown out her voice and Watchers who know what she’s going to do beforehand even though she knows how to avoid them. She’s strongest against Sniffers who have to get in close to steal objects from her.

- Her hatred for Division is almost pathological. She blames them for making her live the way she does and for taking her parents from her. She wants to see them destroyed but she doesn’t see how she can bring them down. Anyone who has ever worked for Division is someone she won’t like and can’t trust.

- Her father had the same intense hatred for Division and as soon as Dani could walk and run he began to teach her how to avoid Division goons. He disguised these training sessions as games until she was old enough to fully understand and then he started teacher her how to break Pushes by Pushing her himself. It was intense training, but it is what's kept Dani alive on her own so long.

- Her mother was completely normal and met her father after he ran from Division. She never approved of her husband's training techniques and tried her best to make parts of Dani's life normal, taking her to dance classes and indulging the girl's love of music. Dani remembers her mother very fondly and is still saddened by her death.

- While Dani doesn't need to know other languages to Push people, she's picked up Spanish from spending so much time in the Southwestern United States. She also knows a bit of Portuguese. Her Pushes work no matter the language barrier however.

- Unknown to Dani is that her father is a Division Agent and always has been. He was a plant in the original group who ran from Division. While on the "run" from Division with his wife and young Dani he would report back on the rogue agents he met with and help bring them down. The training he put Dani through was intended to make her powerful for eventual testing against the drug. However, when Division "came" for them and Dani's mother was killed, Dani got away and was powerful enough to Push agents away from her. Now that she knows Nick and Cassie her father has decided to use her as an unknowing plant within the "Rebellion".

[character notes], [ooc]

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