[EDIT] I forgot to mention..these are the people who WERE kept. [/EDIT]
1208x1756 35_____ 82letters_____dee_____so_blind___paper_pistol__mysteriesxx__rockabyexx__writeinorange_cassyandra_orange__crayonbethzcdr_steveoemilywtfjujupreciousmwaxoxninjaboxuse_meabuse_meworthtastingyouareafxcktard I kept you if:
- You comment sometimes.
- You update more than once a week.
- I read your journal and like your journal.
- If you go to my school/I know you personally.
- Your journal is a quote/writing journal.
I didn't keep you if:
- You never comment.
- We don't have anything in common.
- You don't update.
- I don't read your journal/you're boring.
There might be some other reasons but whatever.
I MIGHT add you back if you comment
here telling me why I should re-add you.
Do NOT promote anything in this entry. If you're on my friends list or not. If you're on my friends list I probably won't care. Just don't promote it on this entry. I do have other entries where you can promote though.