character relationship page

Jul 23, 2019 02:45

those that tolerate her

Yakumo Yukari (mind_the_sukima)
...Blondes have more fun? Yukari was Callisto's roommate, and the two of them got along surprisingly well. At least, Callisto really has very little desire to kill the other woman at the moment.

Grell Sutcliff (deadlyjuliet)
Of course, in the sense of "tolerate" I mean as much as Grell tolerates anyone. She did nearly blind him the one night they worked together, but that doesn't mean they can't work together again in the future, surely?

those that don't

Homura (screwthegods)
They might have been able to get along at one point - Homura found her interesting at least, but then she went and killed his roommate (who also happened to be a member of the History Club). That's not particularly tolerable, apparently. He's responsible for her previous death in the Institute.

Himura Kenshin (degozaruyo)
Having thrown him off a balcony and then killed the History Club member he'd been working with, Callisto put herself on his bad side right from the start. It's a shame, really, because she's amused by the pint-sized warrior.

doesn't matter either way
dropped characters

Sanzo (31st_of_china) - Callisto will be genuinely put out to hear that Sanzo is truly dead. She greatly enjoyed annoying him at every opportunity to cover the fact that she found him interesting.

Qui-Gon Jinn (qui_gonjinn) - A jedi. He, along with Callisto and Sanzo, completed the first basement trials together.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (braidless) - Another jedi, he defeated Sanzo in the Coliseum and gained Callisto's interest through both that and his connection to Qui-Gon.

Son Goku (prevails) - An annoying friend of Sanzo's.

"the assassin" (quickdrawbkiddo) - (a.k.a. Beatrix Kiddo/"the Bride") They hadn't done much more than have a few pleasant conversations, but the Bride knew Callisto'd been to the Coliseum and hoped to use her in her own group's attempt to reach it.

Ophelia (shallweplay) - Another crazy blonde Callisto had the pleasure of spending a few shifts with. The two of them may have had more in common than the former warlord is willing to admit.

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