Feb 20, 2005 13:19
i am totally stalling right now - i need to get my ass into the printmaking room asap but of course am farting around on here instead. projects due mon tue and wed = me wanting to die. the huge relief that will come on thursday when it's all done will be great.
so i had this dream - i was kissing this guy and he was a really bad kisser. it just kinda got me thinking about how i like to kiss and like to think i'm not bad at it. i guess it is really a skill that can be measured or whatever - some people suck and others rock. just one of those things i've always kinda known but overthought about enough to mention.
i am so happy about the progress i am seeing with the whole diet/excersize thing. my weight is down to where it was that time i lost a bunch of weight in highschool. if only i didn't have so much work to do i'd be able to put all of my attention on working out. my goal is to loose at least 7 more lbs before bartenders bash. i should be able to do it.
i think i'm going to quit my job - i'm like 90 percent sure. i didn't request off for 6 flags and i'm sure she's going to schedule me days during spring break. i feel really bad though because i'd really be bailing out on the store in a time of need or w/e. but on the other hand, i need to start being more of a selfish bastard in life. plus the job is getting annoying - always working until 12 and dealing with the bastardly college students all the time. she shouldn't have put up a fight when i first wanted to quit.
ok, time to pack a lunch and head to the print room. i should probably bring dinner and breakfast too - i have a feeling i might be there a while.