okay, just a quick update before i go to bed!
i haven't been too active at
fanbook recently (except to reply to comments)! haha don't worry! i haven't stop translating though my pace has definitely slowed down. the technical terms just keep getting harder! reading the traditional chinese characters are still alright since i've read a lot in the past (even though the ones i learnt in school are simplified chinese characters) but the tricky part is translating the techniques! well i watch Prince of Tennis in english subs so the chinese terms really make me go O.O. in fact these days, i find it much easier to just translate from reading the hiragana and katakana characters than the chinese ones because some of them just don't make sense and are pretty inaccurate. -.-
it makes me worry a lot because i don't want to bring too much trouble for Lucathia who vets my translated posts, even if she doesn't mind it. she's really nice! so i feel even worse. =/
so the best i can do is to minimise my english grammatical errors since i can't do much about the inaccuracies. jap > chinese > english
anyway! i've just completed Shishido's profile! and also something else heheh! which you will find out when i post it up! it's really nothing much though, and i've seen it on other sites before i think but i feel like doing it anyway! :P
next up would be Fuji Yuuta's profile, which was a request from Lucathia! ^^
hai! all requests are accepted!
so yup! all these three posts will be up once i'm done with Yuuta's profile and have them sent to Lucathia for proofreading!
i'll probably get around to translating some questionnaires and yes, pages of TPQ Revolution! but i bet that part would be difficult though and i'm not sure i have what it takes to translate it but i'll try! (:
okay i'm done! (turned out it wasn't a quick update at all) OYASUMI! (:
p/s: feels sooooooo good to see my livejournal ad-free! even if it's only for 14 days.. (:
p/s 2: i just realised i don't have the habit of putting my posts under lj-cuts (except for the ones at fanbook of cos). but i don't really like to see my posts so short, me being a blogger person. but do let me know if it affects any of you, then i'll refrain from long posts or keep them under lj-cuts. =/