Nov 14, 2012 20:09
My birthday went pretty much how I expected....
I watched my precious NBC comedies and was very pleased. As a side note, I will be very disappointed when there are no NBC comedies next Thursday. Lousy Thanksgiving.
My family, meaning Bonnie and Dot, called me up on Thursday. Bonnie quickly wished me a happy birthday. Within two minutes, she told me that she got a new phone number, and that she was dividing her time between three different cities in two states. She didn't even end the phone call with "love you". My aunt talked me for about 1/2 an hour. The first things out of her mouth other than "happy birthday" was "do you have a boyfriend?" I'm sorry but that is the least of my concerns. You really don't know me.
Kellie bought me some nips and we drank in a bathroom. Marly cooked me a nice meal. And other than the endless and meaningless facebook messages that said "happy birthday" day of birth went off without a hitch.
No birthday cards. No birthday cake. ....nothing. Most people would think that is sad. I do, too but it's what I have come to know. This has probably been the most barren birthday I have ever had. I think I should stop celebrating it all together. Oh, wait, I forgot. I don't.