I don't know why, but this was a hard semester. I only have a few more days left, but not much actual work to do. I had a book report to write, but I utterly lost the book (and honestly don't have time or inclination to read such a poorly worded manuscript when I'm going to take a class entirely on the subject next semester anyway). I got confused about when things were due and didn't follow the syllabuses. I"m a week behind on my classes too. To be fair, I had massive quantities of reading to do this semester, which I tried to keep up on. The weather in my office has been deeply unpleasant for about 4 hours each day, putting a hole in the time I can productively work. And that whole running back and forth between camp and home has not helped. Thank goodness for the weekdays, because the weekends are exhausting!
Work picked back up, and I'm working 6 hours a week instead of 4--a nice way to end this particular job with a little more cash in my pocket. I wish I could hold on to this job, but there's just no time.
Things have been accidentally doing my way, on the one hand, and making things hard on the other. For example, I got a Godform part in Hekate's Sickle! Something I've wanted for a long time! The part is so hush-hush that I don't even know who I'm working with yet--and I won't be telling you either! The only hint I have is that this Godform has something to do with Snakes, so I've been meditating and thinking on them. Plus,
tianas_knife is going to be my clan clergy! Yay yay yay! We're going to rock everyone's socks off!
On the other hand, I went to the car one day, and the front windshield was broken. Like, in a pretty little spiderweb pattern splayed out from the huge rock chip. I don't know if somebody did it on purpose or not. At any rate, it cost me almost $250 to fix (despite a quote of $210--Don't trust a quote from SpeedyGlass. How many extreneous fees can you forget to mention?). I happened to recently get money from the IRS--finally, only 6 months late (and I owe
leafolutions some money from it!). It would have been great to spend that money on, oh, I don't know, bills or books or something. Instead it went to a totally annoying fix. Ugh. I also spent $100 at Jiffy Lube getting an oil change. And I had them replace the fuel filter, which made the car start up better. The mechanic found a bunch of moss in my air filter too, so that was kinda funny.
It's really nice to have M home, and we spent a day or two recovering from camp. We've been enjoying the netflix account for the Wii and have been watching lots of movies. We even actually went to the movie theatre and saw Despicable Me (M doesn't care to go to the theatre). Good movie, too, even if they didn't butter the popcorn we paid way too much for. We've been playing Frontierville on facebook, which satisfies my desire to play Oregon Trail from a different perspective. I don't know why these games are so interesting. And then one day you realize you are planning your life around when your eggplants are going to be ready for harvest, and quit playing altogether. At least, that's what I do. Well, I'm still having fun.
Not sure what's going on with my internship. I mean, I know I have one and stuff, but haven't heard from my supervisor lately. And it turns out I'd been assigned to a different supervisor (which my school says is a-ok). I bought some stuff for my office, like these lovely prayer flags with different goddesses on them, and a ball with glitter in it which I find quite hypnotic. I want to get a bunch of plants to put in the window, but I'll hold off on that kind of decoration.
We found a CSA in Puyallup. Not only were they nice, but I think they offered us a job. I guess they are a little shorthanded in the autumn. They get free food as part of their work. Maybe M should do that! Anyhoo, we picked up some local peas, carrots, squashes, nectarines, etc, and totally split a pint of late-season strawberries the moment we got home. I picked up some organic chicken and meat, which didn't cost as much as I thought it would. We're going to try and eat more seasonally, locally grown organic food whenever we can. It sure makes me feel better about the whole consumer agriculture GMO corporate culture.
Saw Emlyn for the first time in a long time the other day. He's down for his friend's wedding and wanted to get the keys to his family storage shed from me. I had a family heirloom of his that I wanted to return, but of course I couldn't find it anywhere when the time actually came. We were to meet at a coffee shop, but he instead called from the side of I-5, where the car had broken down. So we caught up with trucks zooming by at 65 mph. He seems to be doing ok, but doesn't know what career direction he wants to take. He met a girl in Fairbanks and it sounds like he'll shortly be moving in with her. I'm glad he's getting back on his feet. And sounds like the family is doing well, for the most part. I have weird feelings about him. Like he's an old friend that I want to see do well, but he's not a part in my life anymore, but then I'm a little surprised that he doesn't act like he loves me anymore (which makes sense, logically, and doesn't really hurt my feelings). It almost seems like our relationship happened to someone else.
Textbooks are almost all in! I have a lot to read this semester too. And I only dropped $300 on textbooks (IT'S A SCAAAAM!!!). Still, these books are much better rated than last semesters, so I hope I'll get more out of them. I'm taking a class on family systems (Again, ugh) and one on assessment (which is the one costing me so much extra money) and my practicum has a textbook or two that will hopefully keep me on track and be immediately useful. I have apprehensions, but I'm excited. Oh, I don't know how I feel! I guess I'll figure that out when I dive on in!
I feel like I'm on the verge of change, but I don't know where I'm going. Like being at the top of a roller coaster when you can't see the track below you anymore. I know the direction is where I'm pointed and have been working toward, but I don't know what it looks like or what it'll be like or mean for me and my family.