So thanks to everyone's good advice, I went to the hospital and had my ankle x-rayed. It's a sprain, but the ligiments are not torn. I got a funny boot thing and a perscription for some Motrin (I didn't fill it. I've got Ibuprophin at home!). I was told to walk on it, but was having some trouble. Thankfully, Eric let me borrow his cane (it's cool! It has astrology suns and stuff!) so I've been hobbling around. We took some pictures of it before I went to the hospital.
Then I had to rush out of town for the retreat. M drove me, and got me settled. He stayed at camp while I was in Sequim, so it ended up being a nice weekend for both of us.
It's much more bruised now, and way less swollen. I'm not sure the picture accurately shows how swollen it is. Yikes!