Sep 20, 2008 22:29
I've updated my LJ page. Time for changes. It's not that I don't like Peter Pan anymore, I just wanted a different theme. Like my new avatar? So cute!
So, substitute teaching is pretty fun. I've been hanging out at Overlake mostly, which is in Redmond. It's a bitch of a drive, but they give me free $$ for lunch, and the kids are highly motivated. And rich. Since I can only work for private schools, all the kids I come in contact with are rich. It's weird to hear them say "well, when I went to Spain..." or watch them drive up in Lexus' and BMW's. They complained about the "old" gym, which looked brand new to me. They have an "Art Barn" which has the ceramics, paint and woodwork studios in that would make most colleges envious. One 6th grader was commenting on how much he liked my scratchboard drawing ("just like Echer!") and said I should study art in college. I told him that it was too late for me, because I already went to college. He said "you can always go back to college". Ummm. Right kid. I think these kids allowances are bigger than my paycheck.
I've gotten to teach a bunch of classes: Latin (do I know any? Not really beyond "Carpe Diam" which I can't even spell. That was a fun day), I taught photography (ok, they taught themselves), 6th grade Social Studies, PE (NEVER AGAIN! I don't even like gyms!). It's cool to meet all these kids. Some of the ones at Overlake are starting to find me a familiar face.
Really the worst part of the job is the commute. And there are days where I spent more time in the car than I did in the classroom. One day took me over two hours to get there, and I made it to class BARELY on time. I hate leaving so early. It's worse coming home, because I'm ready to relax and chill, but it takes ages to get there. I'm trying to figure out some reliable back ways, like West Valley Highway, to get around blocks. I have my Good to Go pass which works sometimes. I try to only use it when I'm supposed to be somewhere, since I have to pay for it.
And I still work at Pizza Hut. I crunched numbers, and it doesn't look like I'll be able to quit right away. I'm too far behind on my bills. It sucks because I have to schedule Hut at least a week in advance, which prevents me from taking up last minute assignments. Frankly, I get paid more for substitute teaching. I hate the Hut. It would be fun if folks would talk to me, but everyone just talks about cars, drugs, video games, getting drugs, drinking and doing drugs...not really my scene. I feel very very old, and over educated. These poor kids are stuck there, really. They are just happy they can do drugs, be covered in tattoos and have blue hair at work. Never mind the fact that the back of the store has slippery floors, greasy food (weird since there is no fryer anywhere) and really really hard floors. Working with Pat and Jon again is the only saving grace. And the fact that no one really cares if I call in and cancel.
Which I had to do a few days ago since M was suffering from severe tooth pains. We went to the dentist, and he had an absentee seizure (so they said) when he got up to go to the bathroom. Later when M went to the neurologist, they discovered that since he had no onset signs (or auras) that he most likely feignted. Not very manly, but better than a seizure. The Dentist took out three of his teeth (which is sad, cuz he doesn't have that many to begin with. But when you have DSHS medical coverage, you get what you get. He even had to give M the crappy suture thread because it was cheaper, even though the chances of infection were significantly higher. So anyway, if you see someone with horrible dental work, they might be poor, not irresponsible about their oral hygene). He was doped up on vicadin for a few days, and needed some looking after. I was glad to step in as nursemaid.
I accidently turned the burner on too high and scorched a non-stick pan. M was upset, and the house was filled with smoke, which caused one kitten to throw up everywhere (she's very sensitive).
I find that I start things but don't finish them if I don't have a direct reason to, like a grade or a deadline. When it comes to keeping promises to myself, I suck. Like exercising. Haven't done that in weeks, even though it makes me feel good and I like losing weight. Or any of the two books I have in my brain right now. Or getting one of my academic papers published. Or finishing an application to the Sumner school district. I'm just tired half the time. I've been sleeping too much, and I'm too worried about money to take a risk on myself right now. I hope this is temporary.