Story For A Fool Pt. 1

Feb 05, 2012 21:41

TITLE: A Story For A Fool Pt.1
AUTHOR: giveitupjessica
PAIRING: MinKey/WooKey (And a few side pairings)
SUMMARY: I think it’s because I’m a fool that I don’t mind being hurt. You can say what you want about me, but I choose to be a fool for him.
A/N: So I’m back! If anyone cares that is. Haha… I really want to get back into writing since it was a great way for me to relieve my stress before. (Work is really stressing me out right now) And thanks to the best friend in the whole world, I am doing that. She was sweet enough to give me that last push I needed by giving me a very thoughtful gift and card for Christmas. So here is my comeback story, after months of being on hiatus. This will probably be a short series, maybe 5 parts in all.

I flipped over in bed when my phone started to go off. A groan escaped me and I covered my ears in hopes of blocking out the annoying ringtone. I made a mental note to kill Key for messing around with my phone. I sighed and relaxed again when the music finally stopped, only to start up after five seconds of silence. My hand shoots out from under my blankets and grabs the phone from my nightstand.

“Do you know what times it is?” I mumble as I put the phone up to my ear.

“No,” is all I hear from the other end before a fit of giggles escape the person’s mouth, “What time is it?”

I push my blanket off me and look at the clock, “It’s 3 fucking 15 in the morning.”

“Aw… That’s not funny,” I could hear the pout in the caller’s voice, “Tell me a better joke Minho.”

“I wasn’t telling a joke Key.”

“Oh,” there’s silence for a couple seconds, “Well it still wasn’t funny.”

I let out a sigh and take a few deep breaths before talking again, “Where are you this time?”

“Um… Somewhere with lights. Lots and lots of lights.”

“How drunk are you?”

“I’m not drunk silly,” again there’s giggles and this time a hiccup escapes after them, “Is it so bad for me to want to talk to my bestest friend in the whole wide world?”

“Stay put, I’m coming to get you.”

“Okay! I know I can always count on you Minho. You’re my trusty camel!”

“Uh huh. Stay put,” I hang up the phone, roll out of bed, and throw on the first clean clothes that I can find before grabbing my wallet and keys and heading for the door.

It doesn’t take me long to find Key. He’s at the same place that he’s been at all the other times he’s called me in the middle of the night. I watch him for a second from my car as he slumps in the middle of the soccer field. How he ends up here every single time he drinks is beyond me. He doesn’t even like sports, so this would be the last place I’d think he’d come, but he’s here like he always is. I move out of my car just as he falls back onto the grass that I’m sure is wet by the way the lights are reflecting off of it. Another sigh escapes my mouth as I start to walk towards the field.

Sometimes I wonder why I keep doing this for him. Why I keep answering the phone. Why I keep coming out in the middle of the night to find him. Why I take him back to my apartment to let him rest there. Why I always end up rubbing his back as he leans over my toilet and empties all the contents in his stomach into it. Why? Why do I have to care so much about him?

My feet stop and my hand freezes on the gate to the soccer field. I quickly push my thoughts aside and focus my attention to where I am. My vision clears and I see that there’s someone already kneeling down beside Key and talking to him. I can just barely make out their conversation.

“I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“Have you?”


“Was it you that I called just now? I don’t remember. I think I was on the phone with someone. Was it you?”

My hand slowly slips away from the gate, one finger at a time. My feet are slowly moving away from the field again on their own without any commands from me. Or perhaps it’s my sub-conscious telling my body what to do. Before I know it, I’m back in my car and sitting behind the wheel. It’s almost like the last minute or so of my life rewound itself without my knowledge. My eyes are still focused on the soccer field and the two people who are now leaving it, one slumped over the other. They don’t see me or my car. They are only focused on each other.

And then I remember the answer to my questions from earlier. My fingers tighten around the steering wheel, quickly turning white as the figures slip into the darkness of the early morning. The reason why I’m here again. The reason why, I’ll always be here whenever he calls me no matter what time it is. The reason why I keep doing all these things for him. The reason why I care so much about him.

I love him…


I’m not sure how it happens, but I wake up in my bed again a few hours later. I turn over to stare up at my ceiling and wonder if last night really happened. It all seems surreal to me for the first time.

I slowly sit up in bed and scratch my head before stretching. A yawn escapes me and I swing my legs over the edge. I take a moment and rest my elbows on my knees, burying my face into the palms of my hands as I replay the events of last time.

“Key called me… He was drunk…” I mumble into my hands, “I left to go get him… But someone beat me to him… Someone got there before me… But who… Who was it… I know I recognize that voice… Damnit… Who was it…”

I yell into my hands out of frustration. This was all too much for me to be analyzing so early in the morning. Wait, what time is it? I look over at my clock and quickly jump up.

“Shit! I’m going to be late!” I quickly go to the bathroom to take a fast shower. I end up slipping and sliding on my way back to my room and continue to do so as I put on my clothes. I grab my backpack and I’m running out of the door and to my car. The entire time, I’m still thinking about who that other person was that got to Key before I did.

I end up making it to my class just in time. I’m huffing and puffing as I take my seat beside Onew who was already scribbling something in his notebook. He looks over at me and bursts out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” I glare at him.

“Is your hair supposed to look like that?” he points to my head and I grab my phone to check my hair in the screen.

“Shit,” I start to run my fingers through my damp hair to tame it a little, “I was running late.”

“So late that you couldn’t run a comb through your hair.”

“Yes,” I give up on my hair and set my phone back down, “Did you not just see me huffing and puffing to save my life.”


“You’re useless.”

“Then why are we friends?”

“I ask myself that question a lot these days,” I take out my notebook and pencil to get ready for lecture.

“I love you too man.”

And that’s the end of our conversation as our professor walks into the room. He wastes no time in beginning his lecture and doesn’t take a break from talking once during class. By the end of the hour long lecture, I have 4 full pages of notes and Onew has 8. I still don’t know how he writes so fast and his notes are still legible.

“I’m thinking of cutting all my hair off again,” I say as we’re packing up our bags.

“Like you had it during the summer?” Onew asks, slinging his backpack over his shoulder as he waits for me.

“Yeah. It was less hassle,” I put my backpack on and start to follow him out of the room. Our feet start to carry us to the canteen, our usual hang out after our first class of the day.

“You mean you didn’t have to worry about coming to class looking like you just rolled out of bed or got trampled by a stampede of rhinos?”

“Rhinos? Why rhinos?”

“I don’t know. They were the first animal to come to mind.”

“Really? I think of cows when I think of a stampede.”


“Yeah like in Pamplona.”

“Those are bulls.”

“And bulls are male cows. Besides who ever heard of a stampede of rhinos?”

“The people in Jumanji.”

“That’s completely fictional,” we’re standing in line now and waiting for our turn at the coffee stand.

“Doesn’t mean it can’t happen in real life.”

“If you say so hyung. The usual today?”

“Yup and it’s your turn to buy.”

“I know, that’s why I’m asking,” I give our usual order to the barista and pay her. Onew has already walked off to get our normal breakfast sandwiches. I feel someone rest themselves against my back while I’m waiting for my coffee order. I don’t have to turn around to know who it is.

“Mianhe Minho,” he mumbles into my back.

“For what?” I reach out to grab the drinks, careful not to move so he doesn’t go falling. I slowly turn around and he leans away just enough so that I can do so before falling back on me. He rests his head on my chest and I can feel him smile through the fabric of my shirt.

“For calling you again last night… Or I guess it was this morning.”

“It’s okay. You can call me whenever you want. Day or night.”

He looks at me and I give him a gentle smile, “You mean that? You won’t get mad?”

“Yes I mean it. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t.”

“I’m holding you to it.”

“Okay,” I nod my head to our usual table and he nods back at me. He stops leaning on me and my body feels considerably colder without him pressed to it and I don’t think it has anything to do with the cool breeze that just passed us.

We start to walk over to the table where Onew was now sitting with a couple of our other friends. Onew and I trade his coffee for my sandwich before I settle down in my seat. Key is one side of me and Hoya is on my other side. Everyone quickly becomes engrossed in conversations and our table gets louder as we try to speak over each other so that we’re heard properly by the people we are talking to. Hoya and I are talking about our soccer practice later today and how we can get ready for our upcoming game against our biggest rivals. Our conversation quickly gets heated as we start to argue over the mistakes we made in our past game. It isn’t until Hoya’s boyfriend, Sungjong, joins us that we calm down again.

“Annyeong yeobo,” Sungjong’s bubbly personality is enough to relieve any type of tension in a room. Hoya pushes his chair away from the table so his boyfriend can sit on his lap.

“Hi bunny. How was your class?”

“Boring. My professor talks too much.”

“So you can’t talk in class then?”

“No,” he pouted cutely and I couldn’t help but laugh which only caused him to glare at me. And that just made me want to pinch his cheeks.

“Aigo… Cute!” I quickly withdraw my hands from his cheeks when he moves to bite at them.

“Bunny, don’t do that,” Hoya scolds him or at least I think he’s scolding his boyfriend. He was kind of talking cutely and tapping Sungjong’s nose.

“I hate when people call me cute and pinch my cheeks,” again Sungjong is glaring at me and I put my hands up in surrender.

“Sorry Jongie. I won’t do it again. I promise,” I hold my pinky finger up to him and he just turns away from me with a huff. I don’t know how Hoya puts up with him. Sometimes I think he can be worst than Key and Key can be a pretty big diva sometimes. They’re totally engrossed in each other within seconds and I turn to the rest of the table to see if there’s anyone else that I can talk to.

That’s when my eyes land on a new face. I’ve never seen him at our table before. He’s sitting on the other side of Key and has his arm wrapped around him. Key is laughing and leaning into him as they talk with Jonghyun and Taemin about some variety show they all watched the other day. I sit there and silently watch them. I look at the way the mystery guy is treating Key and analyze it. One thing’s for sure, he’s being very touchy with Key and Key doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest. He actually seems to be enjoying it.

I try not to allow my emotions to show on my face as I stare at the two people beside me, my arms folded across my chest. I only turn away from them when I hear my name being called. I look over my shoulder to see Eunhyuk waving me over to their table. I grunt and push away from the table rather forcefully which caused Key to look at me. I shake my head and motion for him to go on with his conversation when he gives me a worried look. I turn from the table and go over to the soccer captain.

We talk for a couple minutes about the afternoon practice that I will be leading today. He has a chemistry lab he needs to get done and today is the only day his partner is able to do it. Of course I argue that today’s practice is pretty crucial for our upcoming game, but in the end give in because his school is more important than our game. But I really don’t want to lose a second time to our rivals. We say our ‘good-byes’ and I head back to the table. Key hasn’t moved an inch from when I left the table.

I plop back down in my seat and take a big bite of my sandwich, more out of frustration than hunger. Key turns to look at me with a big smile on his face and for once I don’t return it. I just look at him while I chew my food, grabbing my coffee to help wash down it down.

“Minho,” he continues to smile. He doesn’t even seem to notice the unhappiness in my stature and stare, “I want you to meet someone. He just transferred to our school today.”

“Oh?” I fold my arms across my chest again and take another lazy sip of coffee, “Where is this person?”

“Right beside me silly,” Key playfully pushes my shoulder and I don’t find it funny. Again, he doesn’t seem to notice. He gently grabs the mystery man’s hand that was resting on the back of his chair, “This is Nam Woohyun.”

Woohyun smiles at me and stretches his hand out, “Hi. Nice to meet you. Sorry about last night, I thought I had taken his phone from him earlier. I guess he took it back without me knowing.”

I just stare at the guy and his outstretched hand. Key kicks me in the shin and my eyes turn to him. He clenches his teeth and motions to the hand that’s beside his shoulder. I sit up and shake Woohyun’s hand, giving it a not so friendly squeeze.

“It’s okay. I’m used to him calling me when he needs a ride home after a night of drinking. I’m Minho by the way.”

“I know who you are,” he smiles at me and I want nothing more than to wipe it off his face with the sole of my shoe.

“Oh yeah?” I raise an eyebrow at him, arms folded again in hopes of intimidating him a little.

“Yeah. How can I not know about my Keybee baby’s best friend?” Woohyun nuzzled Key’s cheek and he giggled before slapping his chest playfully.

“Key. Bee. Baby,” I let each word slowly fall off my tongue and am a little disgusted as each syllable leaves me.

“Minho,” I look down at Key’s hands that are now on my thigh, “This is the guy I’ve told you about.”


“Woohyun,” Key frowns a little at me, “The guy that I’ve been going out with for the past two months.”


“Woohyun,” I can tell that he’s getting frustrated with me like he always does when he finds out that I haven’t been listening to him, “My boyfriend. I told you he was transferring here so we could be closer together. Were you not listening to me at all last week. That’s all I could talk about.”

“WHAT?!” I jump out of my chair. The last thing I heard leave Key’s mouth was ‘my boyfriend.’ I’m staring at Key and the guy sitting beside him, Woohyun. That’s his boyfriend. He has a boyfriend. What the fuck? Since when did he get a boyfriend? Damnit, I really should start paying closer attention sometimes. I hear Onew clear his throat and only then realize that everyone at the table is staring at me. Well everyone, but Key. He was more glaring than staring. I slowly take my seat and try to pretend that nothing happened. I clear my throat, “Oh yeah… I remember you telling me that now.”

“Uh huh, whatever you say,” I see Key stand up in my peripheral. He grabs his things then Woohyun’s hand, “Let’s go bubba.”

The awkwardness and tension at the table only gets heavier once they leave. I find myself silently praying that Sungjong does something cute to take the attention off of me, but he only sits there in Hoya’s lap and stares at me. I continue to sit there for a good five minutes, half the table going back to their previous conversations while the other half continues to stare at me. I sigh and grab by bag before standing up, knocking my chair over in the process. This just causes everyone to stop what they’re doing and stare at me yet again. I let out a frustrated grunt and stalk away from the table, not bothering to pick up my chair.


“So…” Hoya says after a few seconds of weighted silence, “You think he likes Key’s boyfriend?”

“Yeobo…” Sungjong says as he watches Minho’s back as he leaves the canteen.

“Yeah bunny?”

“You’re so dead if he finds out you’re the one who introduced Key hyung to Woohyun hyung.”

“You think?” Hoya turned his head to watch Minho as well.

Sungjong just nodded his head, “Remember what I did to the rag that time you came over and Sunggyu hyung and I were cleaning.”


“That rag is you if Minho finds out.”

“I’m so screwed.”

Sungjong giggled and whispered in Hoya’s ear, “Me first yeobo.”

“Bunny, now is not the time to be…” Hoya’s words caught in his throat as Sungjong teasingly licked his ear.

A/N: Any other pairings in particular you want to see? And sorry if the updates are a little slow. I will try my damndest to update this every other day or every two days. ^_^

story for a fool, minkey, wookey

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