Right Here 3/??

Mar 11, 2011 23:40

TITLE: Right Here
AUTHOR: giveitupjessica
PAIRING: MinKey, JongYu, YoungTae, Broken!OnKey, Broken!JongTae
GENRE: romance, comedy, smut, blah blah blah
RATING: G-NC17 (depending on the chapter)
SUMMARY: I’m the one you kiss in the morning. I’ll send you out to the world with my loving. I ain’t gonna trip ‘cause you always gonna keep it right here.
A/N: Mianhe! I know I said I was going to update sooner, but I couldn't get into writing this chapter until today (probably because I had the day off) Oh and I went to get my hair done today. I got Taemin's Lucifer cut and color. I brought pictures from the MV and the B version album. My stylist kept on calling Minnie a 'she' even though one of the pictures was a profile that clearly showed his adam's apple... Poor Minnie... Anyways, onto the update. :P


The feeling of the soft morning light shining on my naked skin wakes me up. I guess I forgot to close the curtains before we went to bed last night. Then again I wasn’t really paying attention to anything but my sexy boyfriend since we got back from our dinner date. We haven’t been able to spend very much time together lately because we’ve both been really busy with other things in our lives. Last night was our first date in like a week and a half. It was nice to finally have a night to ourselves.

I run my hand over his naked torso and place a kiss on his forehead. I close my eyes again in hopes of catching a few more minutes of sleep before it was absolutely necessary for me to get up. Although if I really had a choice, I would spend the whole day in bed with my boyfriend. I let my hand continue to softly rub his side and I can feel him shift a little under my touch which causes me to smile.

“Mm babe,” he moans as I add a little more pressure, giving him a bit of a massage. I open my eyes and watch as his starts to flutter. It takes a couple seconds before he’s staring right at me, a small smile playing at his lips. He adjusts his body so that his head is resting on my chest. I tighten my arm around him and relax into the bed more.

“Morning beautiful,” I finally say and he turns his head, lips puckered. I chuckle before I place a kiss on his lips.

“Morning,” I start to smooth down his hair, he looked like a little kid whenever he woke up, hair pointing all different directions. I’m caught off guard when he suddenly climbs on top of me, sitting on my stomach. My hands find his waist while his start to rub up and down my body.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving you a massage.”

“Are you now? Doesn’t seem like it to me. Seems like you’re up to something naughty.”

“And if I am?” he raises an eyebrow at me and I smirk right before I flip him over, changing our positions.

“Then I might have to punish you,” I say, my face mere centimeters from him.


“Mmhm,” I close the distance between us and we start to make out, hands quickly wandering all over each other’s bodies. It isn’t long before a nice sheen of sweat is covering both of our bodies as we moved with one another. Pillows and blankets were pushed off the bed while soft pants and moans filled the room.

“Jjongie!” he half moans, half shouts as he reaches him climax. I quicken my pace, needing to get my release.

“Taemin!” I moan, coming inside of him. Our bodies slowly rock together as we come down from our high, placing kisses over whatever skin we can reach. I feel his tongue lick me a few times and I smirk, “Stop being naughty. We don’t have time for me to punish you again.”

“But you taste so good Jjongie,” he runs his tongue from my adam’s apple all the way to my jawline.

“Baby, we really don’t have the time. As much as I would love to have another round, we’re already running late as it is.”

“Let’s just stay in today then? I can miss one day of classes and just tell everyone that you’re feeling a little under the weather,” he brings me down for another kiss.

“As much as I would love more than anything to do that. I can’t,” I pull away from him and move to get out of bed. I turn to see him pouting at me.

“But I miss you baby. We haven’t been able to spend time together in so long,” his pout gets worst and I tap his nose with my index finger.

“Stop pouting.”

“Jjongie!” he crosses his arms over his chest.

“I know you miss me, I miss you too. And I want to stay in bed with you all day, but I have a deadline to meet,” I finally get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I get both of our toothbrushes ready, knowing that he’ll be joining me in no time. And he does, a minute or two later, he’s by my side and we’re brushing our teeth together. I put our toothbrushes back and tap his bare ass, “Come on.”

“Come on what?” he turns to face me.

“Get in the shower.”

“I thought you said we didn’t have time for another round.”

“We don’t, but we both need to shower, so we might as well conserve water.”

“The last time you suggested we conserve water by showering together, we did anything but that. Since we got side tracked with cleaning each other,” I watch my boyfriend step into the shower and turn on the water. He turns to face me, water slowly making it’s way down his milky white skin as he beckons for me to join him.

“I guess we’ll be running late today,” I murmur into his mouth as he crashes our lips together the moment I join him in the shower.


I sat in the front of the room getting the morning snacks ready as my class played. I look up and smile when I see that Yoogeun is playing with Shindong, Dori, and Jess. I never would have thought those four would become friends, especially the Kim twins since they rarely ever play with other kids. They looked really happy though and they haven’t gotten into any trouble since they started to hang out with Yoogeun and Shindong. Well not like they used to at least.

“Okay kids, it’s snack time,” they all scramble for a chair and scream for their snacks. I can’t help but laugh.

“Mr. Key,” I look down to see Yoogeun pulling on my pant leg. I bend down so that we’re eye level.

“Yes Yoogeun?”

“Can I helps you?”

“Sure thing,” I smile at him. He was definitely my little helper, always doing whatever he could to make things easier for me, “Why don’t you hand out the fruit snacks and I’ll hand out the juice?”

“Ne!” he grabs a handful of the small bags, but ends up dropping most of them since his hands are so small. I walk over and grab a small basket from a nearby shelf. I help him pick up the dropped fruit snacks and we place them in the basket, “Kamsamida!”

“You’re welcome Yoogeun, now go and hand those out. One each no matter what they say okay?”

“Ne!” he walks as fast as his little legs could carry him and again I’m smiling. He was growing so fast, too fast if you watched him walk. He still wasn’t completely used to his limbs, stumbling every now and then. I shake my head and begin to hand out the juice boxes.

“Mr. Key!”

“Yes Dori?”

“Do you has a girlfriend?”

“What?” I was totally thrown off by the sudden question. Out of all the years I’ve taught, none of my students have ever asked me this question. How exactly am I supposed to answer it? I mean I don’t have a girlfriend, but that’s because I’m gay. I do have a boyfriend though. Can I tell a little kid that? Then again Dori and Jess’ parents are a gay couple, so they’d probably understand. Argh, kids are so simple, but complicated at the same time.

“Do you has a girlfriend?”

“Um… well, not exactly.”

“Oh oh oh,” Jess is jumping up and down in her seat, “Is your girlfriend a him like umma?”

“I love my umma,” Dori says with a big smile.

“Yah,” Jess flicks her twin, “Umma is mine too!”

Dori doesn’t seem to notice and turns back to me, “Dayday appa says that he fell in loves with Titi umma a long long long time ago. He says it not matters that umma’s a him too.”

“And they loves us this much!” Jess adds they both open their arms out as wide as they could, big smiles gracing their faces.

“Ummas can’t be hims!” Kikwang shouts from the other table.

“Shut up Kikwang!” Dori yells.

“Or we’ll tell our brudder! Dari oppa!” Jess adds.

“He has big muscals!” they both say to me before turning back to Kikwang and stick out their tongues, “MEHRONG!”

“Dori and Jess, that’s not nice. Say sorry to Kikwang,” I say with a stern voice, trying to hold back my laugh. Kids are so adorable, this is exactly the reason why I became a teacher. There was never a dull day at work for me.

“But he says something not nice about umma!” they both whine.

“I know, but you can’t say not nice things back.”

“Why?” Dori asks me.

“Because that’s not the right thing to do.”

“But he not say sorry to us!” Jess pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.

“Well all three of you need to say sorry to each other okay?”

“Ne,” they all say before mumbling a barely audible “Mianhe” under their breaths. I let out a sigh, that was obviously the best I was going to get out of them. I turn and hand out the rest of the juice boxes and return to my desk. All the kids are happily eating and drinking as they talk to one another about whatever it is that kids their age find important. I catch Yoona, Krystal, Uee, and Taeyeon talking about the new dolls they wanted. Yoseob was trying to coax Kikwang into trading orange gummis for red ones. Shindong and Yoogeun were playing with the different shapes that their snacks came in before popping them in their mouth. The Kim twins seemed to be arguing over who Dari loved more. Changmin, Yunho, and Eunhyuk were too engrossed in their talk about the soccer game last night that they barely touched their snack. While Mir and Joon were already done and back to playing with blocks.

It takes about ten minutes for all the kids to finish their snacks, each of them throwing their own trash away. That is except for the Kim twins they had somehow managed to get Yunho to throw their trash away for them. I turn to look out the window, it was a nice day today, the sun was shining and it wasn’t too hot outside. Perhaps we’ll go outside and play instead of staying cooped up all day, they’d probably go down for their nap easier after running around for a little bit anyways, “Okay kids, what do you say we go outside and play for a little bit.” My suggestion is met with cheers and scurrying feet, all the kids trying to get out the door at once. I laugh and join the group of kids as they file out of the classroom.


“Thanks again Jjong,” Onew said to me as we drove down the street, “I would hate for Key not to have his lunch. He doesn’t eat much as it is, so he really doesn’t need to be skipping meals.”

“No problem man. I’m in no rush to get to the studio. Sorry for being late by the way.”

“It’s okay, you were with your boyfriend. I understand. How long has it been since you two have spent time together?”

“A week.”

“Wow. I don’t think Key and I have ever gone that long since we got together.”

“It was tough.”

“Maybe you two should talk about moving in together again.”

“I wanted to this morning, but we got distracted by other things,” I can feel the heat raising to my cheeks and hope that Onew doesn’t notice it.

“Morning wood?”

“What?!” I look at him with wide eyes, how could he mention it so nonchalantly.

“What? We’re both men here and it’s not like Key and I haven’t done it before. I understand, no need to be all shocked. I’m not as innocent and naïve as you may think.”

“Um, well yes. Anyways, I do want to bring it up again. I’m afraid to though, he was so against it before and I don’t want to be shot down again. He’s insistent that he needs to stay at home to help out his family, but I know that they wouldn’t mind if he moved in with me. I’ve already talked to his parents about it.”

“Does he know you talked to his parents?”


“Then maybe you should tell him.”

“But what if he gets mad?”

“Do you want him to move in or not?”

“I do! But I don’t want him to get mad. He’s held out for two months before. TWO MONTHS HYUNG! Do you know how crazy I went? And it didn’t help that he liked to tease me by walking around naked or just in his boxers or going into the shower while I was brushing my teeth. And I was never able to touch. God it was the worst two months ever! I don’t think I’ve ever masturbated so much in my life.”

“Okay, now that’s a little too much info Jjong,” he laughs at me and I pull into the parking lot.

“Want me to come with you?” I ask as I stare out the window at the daycare that his boyfriend works out.

“No need, he’s right there actually,” Onew points and I follow his gaze to the only adult that was at the small playground in front of the school. I had to admit that the guy was gorgeous. He reminded me a lot of Minnie, very feminine, but he had sharper features. And he had these cat-like eyes, overall he was definitely easy on the eyes. Onew was a lucky man.

“Alright, well I’ll be here. Take your time. Like I said I’m in no rush.”

“I’ll be right back,” Onew climbs out the car and starts to jog towards his boyfriend. He trips over his foot, but quickly regains his balance before he comes anywhere near to the ground and I can’t help but laugh. He will always be a complete and total klutz. But a really hot klutz. With a nice ass and thighs that I want to bite the hell out of. And I see that the daily work outs he’s been doing is paying off as well. Yesterday his shirt rode up a little and I saw the beginnings of some nice lickable abs forming. But damn those plump and juicy lips he has. I just want to take his bottom lip between my teeth and nibble on it.

I quickly shake my head, to get those thoughts out. I really shouldn’t be thinking these things about my best friend especially since I have a boyfriend who I love. Not as much as I love Onew though. Then again, I’ve been in love with Onew since we met back in our freshmen year of college. He was already talking to Key by then. Damn my luck.

“Shit, quit thinking these things Kim Jonghyun,” I scold myself, “You are with Minnie. You love Minnie. You made love to Minnie this morning… Twice… No more thinking about Onew. He has a boyfriend who he’s been with for the past 3 years and will probably be with for the rest of his life. So no more. Damnit, if only I had my chance though. We’d be so good together.”


“Hey honey,” Key says when he sees me coming towards him. I walk into his open arms and place a quick kiss on his lips, “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the studio?”

I hold up the lunchbox I held in my right hand, “You were in such a rush this morning that you forgot your lunch and you don’t need to be skipping meals. You’re already skinny as it is.”

“Aw, honey,” he pats my cheek before kissing it, “You’re the best boyfriend ever. How did I get so lucky to have you?”

“I don’t know, but I ask myself the same thing,” he grabs the lunchbox from my hand and wiggles out of my arms.

“Do you mind watching them while I take this inside? I don’t want it to sit out here the whole time, it really should be in the fridge.”

“I don’t know baby, you know I’m not good with kids.”

“You’ll be fine honey. I’ll just be like five minutes. Besides they’re all playing and won’t even realize I’m gone. Just make sure no one eats the sand or anything like that. I’ll be right back.”

“But baby,” he kisses me on the lips and walks away before I can even finish my sentence. Damnit, why did he leave me here alone? He knows that I’m not the best with kids. I tend to stay as far away from them as I can get. I don’t want to break them or anything. I nervously look around me and pray that Key hurries up. All the kids seem to be okay, everyone’s laughing and playing, no one is crying. As long as no one cries, I’ll be okay. And just when I think that, I hear a scream from a few meters away. I turn to see a little girl sitting on the ground crying. I start to timidly make my way over to her.

“YOU NO PUSH MY TWIN MIR! YOU STUPID POOPIE HEAD!” a little boy yells just before he pushes another little boy down.

“Your twin is the stupid poopie head!” the other boy shouts back. What am I supposed to do? Where is Key? I turn back to the building and he’s still not coming back. The little girl is still crying. Gosh, how do I make her stop?

“SHUT UP MIR!” the little boy ends up punching the other boy in the stomach and that’s when Key finally shows up. Thank god! Now all I need to do is sneak away.

“MIR! DORI! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?! WE DO NOT HIT IN THIS CLASS!” Key shouts as he separates the two boys, “Honey can you take care of Jess?”

“What? But? I don’t.”

“Just carry her,” Key orders me as he drags the two little boys off to a nearby bench. Damnit, I crouch down beside the little girl who is still crying just as hard as she was before.

“Um, don’t cry little girl,” I awkwardly pat her back. She turns to look at me and before I know it, she flings her arms around me and is crying even harder now, “Aw, don’t cry sweetheart.” I slowly wrap my arms around the little girl and pick her up. I start to bounce her up and down to try to sooth her a little. She’s clinging too me pretty tightly, I’m sure the neck of my shirt will be stretched once she let’s go.

“Aw,” I turn and see Key walking towards me. I look behind him and see the two boys sitting on the chair, slumped back, arms across their chests, and pouts on their faces. They must be on time out, “You’re going to be a great appa one of these days.” I smile at him as I continue to calm the little girl down. Her cries have stopped and she’s just clinging to me now. I guess I’m not as bad with kids as I thought, I actually don’t mind this. It feels nice.

“You take care of those two?” I nod towards the two boys.

“Yeah. Dori tends to get in fights and he’s kind of protective of his twin. Well Jess is protective of them too. She’s been in her fair share of fights as well. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to talk to their parents.”

“Aw, she’s so cute. She can’t get into fights,” I pull the little girl away from me so I can look at her, “Right? You’re too cute to get into fights.”

“It’s the cute ones you have to watch out for,” Key starts to wipe the tear stains from her face and she turns her head away to bury back in the crook of my neck, “Aw, I wish I had a camera. This is so cute!”

“You’re so cute,” I lean over and peck his lips, “But I gotta get going, we’re already late. You mind?” I hold out the little girl.

“It’s part of my job. Come on Jess,” Key tries to take her from my arms, but she shakes him off and clings to me tighter.

“No!” she yells.

“Come on. Onew oppa needs to go to work now,” he attempts to take her again, but her little fists just won’t let go of me. An idea hits me and I figure it doesn’t hurt to try it out.

“Princess,” I say into her ear and she perks up to look at me.


“I need to go to work now. Key will take care of you okay?”

“Shiro,” her head is back in my neck, “No go.”

“Come on Jess,” this time Key is successful in pulling her from my arms and she starts to cry again. She reaches her arms out to me and I smile at her, wiping her tears away. I feel like a natural now. She’s just so adorable.

“Don’t cry Princess. I’ll come back next time and we can play okay?” she sniffles a little, but nods her head. I lean in and give both her and Key a kiss goodbye, “I’ll see you at home baby.”

“How about we try for our own baby tonight?” he says to me.

“Babe, not in front of the little girl.”

“Not like she can understand what I’m talking about.”

“But still, not in front of her.”

“Whatever. Is she my competition now?”

“Yup. Watch out!”

“Stop playing around honey,” Key gives me one last peck, “Now go to work.”

“Okay. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Have a good day.”

“You too. And no more crying okay Princess?” I pinch the little girl’s nose and her face scrunches up, “Aigo, yeppoda!”


“So Minho, how are things going with you and Yoogeun? Is he still sick?” Donghae asks me while I help him with his project. I was able to finish up mine faster than I had expected. I didn’t need to restart it after all, an idea came to me late last night and thankfully it worked out perfectly. The ad came out so much better than I was expecting it to. So now I was in Donghae’s office helping him with his project.

“He’s fine. Not sick anymore. Still has a runny nose when he wakes up, but it goes away as the day progresses,” I start to draw a few lines on the paper in front of me.

“That’s good,” he grabs a blue colored pencil and starts to draw, “Anyone you’re interested in?”

“Whoa,” I stop what I’m doing and look at my friend across from me, “Where did that question come from?”

“Well you’ve been single for so long Minho. I mean when was the last time you’ve even been on a date?”

“I’m an appa now, I don’t have time for that kind of stuff.”

“But you deserve to find love to you know. Yoogeun is getting older, so I’m sure he’ll understand if his appa wants to go out on a date. Do you want me to set you up with someone? I know a lot of people. Male or Female?”

“Really hyung? Really?”

“What? I’ve only known you for a few years. I don’t know what your preference is, you’ve never been on a date since we met.”

“That’s not what I was talking about.”

“Okay,” it’s silence between us for a couple seconds, the sound of the clock ticking is the only noise in the room, “So what is it?”

“What is what?”

“Do you like boys or girls?”

“Ugh hyung. Can we just work on your project? Maybe I can head home early again today. Give Youngwon another day off so he can have more time with his tutor slash crush.”

“Now why are you so concerned about your baby-sitter’s love life, yet could care less about your own? That makes no sense whatsoever.”

“I have a kid Donghae hyung, what don’t you get about that?”

“Come on Minho. You need to get out there and date. Don’t you want to fall in love and settle down one day?”

“Of course I do, but right now Yoogeun and work has been taking up all my time. I don’t have any to spare for a lover.”

“At least tell me if you have a crush on someone. Is that so hard to ask? I mean you can still check people out right? That’s not off limits is it?”

“Of course not. I can still check out people, I just don’t act on my attractions.”

“So anyone catch your eye?”


“Oh! Someone has! Who is it? Hurry up! Tell me!”

“Yoogeun’s teacher.”

“Seriously?” his voice instantly deflates.

“What do you mean ‘seriously’? Have you ever seen his teacher?”

“No, but I can imagine what she looks like and it’s not attractive.”

“Well don’t get too ahead of yourself and it’s not a ‘she’. Yoogeun’s teacher is a male.”

“Oh so you like boys then?”


“I wouldn’t have taken you as the type.”

“Um… what exactly is that suppose to mean?”

“Nothing. So you have a crush on his teacher?”

“I wouldn’t call it a crush. I just met him the other day. I just think he’s attractive. Plus he’s so good with Yoogeun.”

“Ah. I see.”

“Now can we get back to your project. I would really like to get home early today.”

“Whatever,” he holds up his paper, “How does this look?”


“APPA!!!!!” I scream as I run to him. He’s here to get me again?! I can’t believe it.

“Yoogeun-ah!” he opens his arms and I jump into them. I love my appa so much. I’m happy he’s here to pick me up. I love Youngie too, but he’s not my appa, “Did you have a good day at school?”


“Ppoppo,” I kiss his lips, “Where your backpack?”


“Go get it so we can leave.”

“Ne!” I run to my packpack that’s by the sandbox.

“Yoogeunnie,” Dori calls for me and I walk to him.


“You wanna meet Dari hyung? He’s apposed to come get us today.”

“I can’t. Appa is here,” I point to my appa and smile when I see him talking to Mr. Key.

“DARI OPPA!” Jess screams and runs to a man that I never sawed before. Dori turns and starts to run too, “DARI HYUNG!”

“Bye Bye Yoogeunnie!” Shindong calls to me and I wave at him and his umma. I like Shindong, he’s by best friend. He always let’s me color with the blue crayon first. And he let’s me be the red ranger all the time.

“Come Yoogeunnie!” my appa says, “We need to get going home so I can start dinner.”

“Ne!” I run over to him and jump into his arms, “Bye bye Mr. Key!”

“Bye Yoogeun-ah. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“NE!” appa carries me the whole way home. He never does that. I love when he cares me. I get tired when he makes me walk. Our house is really really really far away. Appa should drive his car, “Appa.”

“Yes Yoogeun?”

“Do you think Mr. Key is purdy?”


“Acause I wanna know.”

“Um, yes.”

“Then can Mr. Key be my umma? PLEEEEEEEASE!!!!”

Provided by website-hit-counters.com site.

youngtae, minkey, jongyu, jongtae, right here, ninja!inaday, rating: pg-15, onkey

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