Jan 17, 2005 00:18
Work, work, work. School started again took a test I missed beofer break and then a midterm and gave a speech all within the first week.
I was getting ready to go out to my moms house Saturday aat about 4:50pm And just turned of my laptop and packed it up in my bag when the Zone DJ said 10th caller won the Nirvana Box Set. So I was like eh W/E and dialled because I had my phone in my pocket. Much to my surprise it started ringing. After a few rings the DJ picked up and just said "1" then hung up. LoL.
So ya I was like WTF that was BS so I dedided to call back and surprising enough it rang again... after about 3 rings the DJ got on and said "Hello" I little surprised I didn't know what to say so I just asked him "Is this for the Nirvana Box Set?" He said "Ya man you're caller 10." SO I was a little freaked out and proceded to tell him that I was caller one and still ended up being caller ten. His response was something like "way to go quick draw you got yourself a Nirvana Box set" then he asked me aboout the 90's Zone weekend and what I thought so I told him I didn't really know much about it before hand but it was great because it brought me back to when I first started listening to the Zone.
No I'm not lying if I hadn't deleted Mia's voice mail already I could have that as solid proof. But then again she told me not to let anyone hear it. I have to go to the station to pick up the set sometime during between 8:30-5:30 M-F.
So that was great.
Other than that I think I randomly take little chunks or slivers of sking off of my hands everyday at work. Seriously I don't think there's been a single day I haven't gone home without a missing part of my hand. Not like I'm cutting it off and it's falling in the Mac n' Cheese or anything. But from the dishes and all the metal stuff I have to clean. I think today I ended up with two missing skin segments.
Once again anyone who cares I've got Tuesday Thuersday and Friday off.
(Not like it's done any good in the past I posted the day and times of the movies I wanted to see and I bet if I rechecked I got no replies save for Mia's no scary movies after dark...)
Atleast I'm trying though.
WoW server is down. So I have to play some alt char :(