Dec 29, 2020 22:17
Some thoughts came to me as I was praying my rosary before mass today. These were a series of parallels that sort of jumped up at me concerning the Nativity of Our Lord and his Passion and Resurrection.
I'll list them as best I can recall them:
In his Nativity Our Lord was born in a borrowed stable, most likely hewn from a cave. In his Resurrection, he was laid in a borrowed tomb, most likely hewn in a cave.
In his Nativity Our Lord was laid in a manger, a food trough. At his Passion he was laid upon a cross.
In his childhood Our Lord was honored with gifts from the magi. After his Passion his sacred body was anointed by the holy women.
Angels announced Our Lord's Birth. Angels also announced his Resurrection.
The Blessed Virgin wrapped Our Lord in swaddling clothes at his Birth. After his holy Death he was wrapped in grave clothes.
He was a declared king in his holy Infancy. He was documented as a king at his holy Death.
At his holy Birth Saint Joseph was present. At his Burial Joseph of Arimathea was present.
His holy Birth was marked by darkness as was his holy Death.
At his holy Birth he was surrounded by animals of the stable. At his Death by the 'bulls of Bashan'.
It is traditionally believed that Our Lord, in the womb of Our Lady, rode to Bethlehem on a donkey. It is biblically attested that he rode into Jerusalem on the same.
There are many more similarities I'm sure, but these were the first that came to my recollection.