The first season challenge

Mar 03, 2011 00:00

I thought it would be nice to do an interim challenge, before the remix challenge gets going in the summer. But this time I'm going to do something a little different. I'm going to give the prompt that you all are going to take.

And the prompt is... write a story where only Season One is canon.

See, we've been talking, during the weekly TS chat, about the earliest stories that were posted, and what kinds of things writers came up with before we knew all the stuff we know about Jim and Blair. And it made me wonder what kinds of things you all could come up with. Sometimes going back to the beginning can be a great way to spark the muse.

So - Season One. We've met Simon, and Carolyn, and Joel. We've met Sarris and Brackett and Kincaid and Lash. We've had the barest mention of a guide, and we know Jim lived among the Chopec. We've heard "neo-hippy witchdoctor punk" and "arrogant self-destructive schmuck". We've had Blair promise to only stay one week in a room under the stairs with a curtain across the entrance. Jim's lost his senses, and he's zoned.

Think about what we don't have. We don't have Borneo, or Golden, or that elevator. Blair hasn't been shot, and he hasn't jumped off a cliff, and he hasn't risked his life to disarm a bomb. We don't know Naomi or William or Steven. We haven't met H or Rafe, and Megan hasn't come to visit yet. We don't know about Jack, or Jim's time in Vice. We don't know Incacha. We've never seen the panther or the wolf.

And we really don't have Alex, or the fountain, or Sid Graham, or the press conference.

The standard rules apply: at least 1000 words. Open to anyone who wants to give it a try. Send it to me by 12:00 midnight Eastern on May 1st, and I'll start posting on May 2nd. And just comment or drop me a line (snycock AT gmail DOT com) if you have any questions.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what people come up with!
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