(My apologies - this is a little later than I'd intended, thanks to a busy workweek and a small accident with water and my laptop that left me computerless for three days).
The fourth round of Give and Take TS is now open for prompts!
What is Give and Take TS, you ask? Well, it's a fic challenge where you give a prompt, and then take a prompt (actually, it gets randomly assigned, but "Give and Randomly-Assigned TS" doesn't sound quite as catchy...). Then you write a story of at least 1000 words, inspired by the prompt you've been given, and send it to me to be posted in the comm (and we've got a group on Yahoo
Important dates
Prompting ends: October 2nd
Stories due to me: December 31st
Posting starts: around January 2nd
This should leave plenty of time for other challenges, like TS Secret Santa and the like, so don't let that stop you from signing up!
What is a prompt? A prompt can be many things - a word or two, an emotion, a phrase, a sentence, a situation, a problem, a conflict, a song lyric, a title... etc.
What a prompt is not: an outline of a story that you would like to see written. Remember, the point of this challenge is to excite the writer's muse. That's hard to do when all the plot twists and turns have been laid out for the writer in advance. Less is definitely more in this case.
You can comment to this post with prompts, or email me at jsnyder AT snycock DOT com, or post on the Yahoo group (you have to be a member). All you need to tell me is the prompt. Feel free to email or comment if you have any questions.