
Jan 23, 2019 18:40

Disclaimer: This is an RP journal, mainly for treksixwords and smuttysws. I make no claim to own the character or the fandom, and am doing this purely for my own amusement. No profit is being made. [Dis-disclaimer: I am however both Scottish and an engineer, so you'd better believe I know my shit.]

Other RP journals maintainted by this mun:

transwarp_beam - Scotty [Star Trek XI] Rebootverse
warpedrive - Scotty [Star Trek XI] Mirrorverse
mi_aosda - Scotty [Star Trek XI] Deaged

notacactus - Jda "Jay" Zagri [Trek OC]
lynn_creed - Lynn Creed [Trek OC]

liestoeveryone - Jonathan Carnahan [The Mummy/The Mummy Returns]
jackoffhearts - Jack Harkness [Doctor Who/Torchwood]
seal_the_deal - Crowley [SPN/Good Omens]
smegginghell - Dave Lister [Red Dwarf]
v_i_d_a - Very Intelligent Digital Assistant [Iron Man]
sonofarnor - Aragorn [Lord of the Rings]
wraithcmmdr - "Todd" the Wraith [Stargate Atlantis]

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