Oct 02, 2007 16:47
Re: phone conversation on S...aturday? I don't remember nor keep track of days of the week. Yes we were in Stanwell Park because Ben's friend Blake lives there and we went there and it was oh so dull, Ben spilled Wild Turkey all over my new top, you understand the drunken rantings now right? We swapped tops because it was cold and my top was wet and I am sick again.
Ummmmm what else, next weekend I'm seeing my friend from Wollongong and we're hanging out with Pringle and Maddy, that's why I can't see you, on that note, I figured out today that Pringle works 2 buildings up from me cos he was crossing the road and we yelled at each other. Cool huh? I like Pringle.
Err regarding Ben living with me: yes it's all going alright, bit of drama at the moment because he wants to get his own place but there isn't anywhere in the area in his price range, he's been offered a place at Maroubra, MAROUBRA, I don't want him to go there he will be shot and it's way too far away, long story short, he wanted me to move out with him and I was apprehensive in saying yes because I figured it wasn't worth it if i was going back to uni next year and also Ma and etc think it is a silly idea, now I'm considering it because if I don't I won't ever be able to see him...what do you think I should do? Disregard what the family says? Hmm...we would be able to afford it if we lived together. And next year with uni I will be working (hopefully) and if I live out of home then I get youth allowance. But but now maybe he won't want me to move out with him because he will have to turn down the offer which I think he has already accepted...*Mel has a big cry* no really, I'm quite upset about it all. Once again, I am in the dilemma of knowing what the intelligent thing to do is and knowing that I rarely take that option and always go with my heart. I am a hopeless romantic after all...hah. Just with Ben. Everyone else can go die...except for you, and about 12 other people.
I'm at work trying to waste time for half an hour or so, I've already done everything I need to do and I'm bored, and ill, and there is a new lady working with us and her name is Gladys and the girl who knows everything has left so now I won't have anyone left to ask things...
What else can I tell you, yes new phone, they haven't f*cking changed my number over to Vodaphone because Virgin are arseholes and made it really difficult for us...and we reckon they're taking a longer time than they are meant to maybe because me and Ben had a big whinge, and Ben asked to speak to a manager and complained about the morons answering the phone...I can send you pictures when it works! And I'll always have credit cos I'll be on a plan! Hooray!
Err...gosh I'm so boring, I've not got anything to tell you because all I've been doing is working and then I've been ill, and entertaining Ben and also pissing him off a lot because he's all tense from giving up smoking, of all kinds, and he doesn't really drink cos he doesn't hold it well...tears, from both parties, blah de blah, I'm an emotional girl...
Bah you were meant to ring me today so I could tell you all of these things :( I don't have anyone to gossip to anymore except for Ben...and sometimes Lauren, but she's doing stuff most of the time, usually Steve...
Well I'm buggered, I'm tired and ill and ill which I've said ten thousand times now but I'M ILL GODDAMNIT! and give me advice re: what to do about Ben moving out/moving out with Ben...he can't go to Maroubra because other girls will look at him and I won't be there to kill him.
Rant over.
I'm a douche.