(no subject)

Feb 03, 2004 13:02

The top 4 headlines that appeared on My Yahoo under Launch News. One of which may be able to be seen as truly "music" news

Jackson, Timberlake Apologize for Flash

Gest: Article Ended Marriage to Minnelli

Ailing Vandross Unable to Attend Grammys

Michael Jackson Computers, Videos Seized

Singers Talk Politics Before Super Bowl

I did not watch the Superbowl usally don't unless someone I like is preforming. With all the contraversy I could go off on some sort of rant here but I won't. My question is why the hell would you apologize for this. "Ow I'm so offended I had to to see Janet Jacksons breast in the middle of my multiple guys beating the living shit out of one another extravaganza." Am I the only one that see's this as beyond radicoulous. Now the FCC wants to decide if it was indecent. I don't know I saw pix of it it look pretty decent to me :P sorry had to do it.

Been feeling really overdone lately. Been having little panic attacks about things not being finished. Both at home and at work. My little issue from last week about watching who I hang out with and all that crap has turning into a small thorn in my side. Now it seems every petty little problem they have that I might be involved with is turned into a major issue. The stuff with Jacinda's grandmother is really starting to get to me. And Kristen said it yesterday that it feels like we are being had some how and I have to agree with her there seems to be more then meets the eye and if that is the case and they are using my daughter as a pawn in it I'm really not going to be a happy little ball of rage. I'm having a hard time getting things accomplished because I'm over stressed and it causes me to kind of work on a slower plane, I could really use some time off, but then I feel guilty about taking it. Mommy I need a nap.

Spent most of the day Saturday trying to clean while Jacinda and Kristen went to vist Kristen's brother. Couldn't get as much done as I would have liked to due to a faulty vacum.

John and Stef came up late Saturday. We hung out for a bit. John and I ran over to Wal-Mart so he could look for some figures he wanted. While there I found a DVD burner that they had on clearence for under a hunderd bucks. I was a bit iffy cause it was internal and I'm alway afraid I'm going to royaly screw something up. But low and behold I was able to pull it off. Only problem is now I'm having a bit of a problem getting the software package that came with the burner to work. Anywho.

Sunday John and I ran to a cool used book store, but first we stopped to see his parents it's been a while since I've seen them. I always have a blast hanging out with them. Got to the book store found some really cool stuff for a total of 30 bucks I was able to pick up some back issues of comics to fill in holes in my collection. The whole 4 issue series of Roy Thomas' Alter Ego some Young All Stars and some issues of the old Defenders of the Earth comic. Also got a sampler issue of the DC archive books. These things are beutiful reprints of Golden Age comics from like 40 years ago. Hardbound nice color touch ups everything but they ring in at like 30 bucks a pop and there is roughly about 60 of them at this point. Yeeee.
Got some great paperback reprints of the old Spider pulps. Great cover art (tad sun faded). Also found out about this publisher Dover that publishes a line called Dover Thrift Editions very common books at very low cost. Some of the stuff I picked up was Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass, Wind In the Willows, Tarzan-The Ape Man, Heart Of Darkness, Civial Disobidence and other Essays, A couple of different books in the Wizard of Oz series and probobley about 6-8 more the most expensive one was I belive 2.50.

Now we may be going to the Philly Dropkicks show have to see what happens. Get this feeling that when it's all said and done we are going to wind having gone to none.

Ghetto Test: My Score 111

01. You've ever used an album cover for a
dustpan. (5 points)

02. If you've ever run a race barefoot in the
middle of the street. (10 points)

03. You had a candy lady in your neighborhood.
(5 points) (5 extra points if your house was the
candy lady's)

04. If you ever had to pick your own switch,
branch, slipper, shoe, or belt to get beat with.
(3 points for each)

05. If you have ever had to walk to school or
walked home from school. (2 points)

06. If you have ever used dishwashing liquid
for bubble bath. (5 Points)

07. If you ever mixed Kool-Aid one glass at a
time because you got tired of other people
drinking up the Kool-Aid you just made. (5

08. If you have ever played any of the following
games: "Hide and Go Seek", "Freeze Tag", "Momma
May I?", or "Red Light/Green Light". (2 points

09. If your neighborhood had an ice cream man.
(2 points + 2 if he rang a bell)

10. If you refer to "Now and Later" candies as
"Nighladers". (5 points)

11. If you've ever run from the police on foot.
(5 points + 5 if you got away)

12. If you've ever had reusable bacon grease
in a container on your stove. (5 points + 15 if
you still do it)

13. The batteries in your remote control ever
been held in by a piece of tape. (5 points)

14. If you have ever worn any of the following
fragrances: Brute, Hai, Karate, Jean Nate, Old
Spice, Chloe, English Leather,
(1 point each)

15. You've ever used Tussy. (5 points)

16. You've never been to the dentist. (15

17. If you have a friend or family member whose
nickname is one word said twice: (ex: dee-dee,
fee-fee, man-man, kay-kay, lee-lee, ree-ree, don-
don, john-john, ray-ray, nay-nay). (10 points)

18. You have ever paged yourself for any reason.
(3 points)

19. You've ever worn house shoes outside of the
house. (2 points)

20. You add "ED" or "T" to the end of words
already in the past tense (for example:
Light-Skinneded, killt, ruint, etc.) (5 points)

21. You use 'n' em to describe a certain group
people (for 1 example: Craig 'n' em or Momma 'n'
em) (5 points)

22. You've ever driven on a donut more than 2
weeks after your flat. (5 points)

23. Your child drops his/her pacifier and you
sanitize it by sucking it! (10 points)

24. You have ever slept in a chair to avoid
messing up your hair. (10 points)

25. You've ever left a social gathering with a
plate. (2 points)

26. You can't hold a glass, pick up an apple, or
wipe your ass because of the length of your
nails. (5 points)

27. The gold teeth in your mouth spell words.
(10 points)

28. You don't have your own place but your child
had a leather coat and a pair of Jordan's. (15

29. You constantly hit *69 and ask, "Did you
just call here?" (10 points)

30. You think Tupac or Elvis is still alive. (20

Now, add up the points to see how really Ghetto
you are:

00 - 50 points. I guess you were raised in the

51 - 75 points. A bonafide ex-hoodrat.

76 - 149 points. Spent a little time in the
projects, huh?

150+ points. Still up in 'dat piece - REPRESENT!
Hoo-Dee-Hoooo! ! !

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