So... tired... brains... so scrambled...

Aug 11, 2008 11:43

I got tired of not having proper internet access, so on Thursday I stopped by Best Buy on the way home and purchased a new laptop.

So far I have no complaints. I'm not a huge fan of Windows Vista, but I'm not sure yet whether that's only because I'm too used to XP, or because Vista itself is annoying. I have a feeling it's a little from Column A and a little from Column B.

I'm also struggling with my sadness over losing Abraxas. He was a good computer, and I'm sad that I not only wasn't able to save him, but I also wasn't able to back up most of my music. Sigh. At least I saved the photos; I'd have gone ballistic if I hadn't managed to transfer those to the external hard drive.

I'll have to spend a little quality time with the new laptop before naming it, and I have a feeling I won't have much spare time this week. So far the only impression I have of it is: ooooh, shiiiiny.

I didn't get to fiddle with it very much on Thursday because pretty much immediately after buying it, I had to pack for Otakon.

Otakon was fun. Kind of smelly at certain points. ("Smell BAAAAD!") Pretty damn tiring. That's the most walking I've done in many moons. And apparently there were over 26,000 attendees this year! Holy crap, that's a lot of nerds crammed into one space! Baltimore was completely overrun. I'm sure the locals are used to it by now, heck some of them were gleefully taking photos with costumed conventioneers, which makes me think that some actually look forward to the yearly spectacle. But I wonder what the tourists made of all the cosplayers?

Work this week is going to be insane. I'm filling in for P___, while still trying to perform some of my essential duties. This is un-possible! I can't believe both she and T____ (supervisor) are gone this week! Ugh. That reminds me, I have to ask about voicemail and credit cards and whatnot. Methinks they forgot that they'd both be out at the same time, and therefore T____'s knowledge of P___'s passcodes will not help me. Grar.

I don't know how I'm going to catch up. And the people fulfilling T____'s supervisory duties this week are kind of clueless about the sheer volume of the work over here. They don't understand that I probably will end up having to stay late at some point this week, and . If they try to kick up a fuss about comp. time needing to be pre-approved, they can just kiss my ass. This work can't be left undone every day, and business hours are taken up by phone calls and people. If I end up working overtime, I'm not doing it for free.

And I am so damn hungry. Hngh.

I've been trying for the last 1.5 hours to hit the "post" button, and each time I reach for it, the phone rings. RRRG. I shall not be denied again! *click*
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