What the... am I watching Barry Manilow right now? How'd that happen?

Dec 13, 2007 00:00

When life is full and I am content, I really have very little to write about. I guess I'm too busy living my life to document it with any kind of regularity.

Right now I'm pretty much stuck killing time while I back up and transfer files between 3 different places. So I guess I'll take a little time to talk about me me me me me me me me me.


Am currently trying to get all my photos off my camera's memory card. Have to clear it out so that I can help Dad take photos of his car club thing. ("Wheee we all have similar/the same make&model cars! Let's have a party all the fuck way out in the middle of nowhere!" Omg I'm going to be so freakin' bored.)

There's almost 500 photos on here! Some are from my visit to Michigan, which was in late August. Most are from my first Renaissance Faire. Alas, due to the extremely bright sun and my inexperience/impatience, most photos are unusable. :( Some are from this year's Birthday thing, including a few adorable pictures of Libby's family (excluding Violet because she was feeling shy that night). And some are of Mom's food.

I'm sure I'll upload everything to Picasa eventually. It's taking so long to get all the photos that, much like the beach pictures, they'll just sit on my portable hard drive until I have the time/motivation to go through and crop/edit/adjust/un-redeye everything. Takes forEVER. (Thankfully all the photos of the most recent waste of time ex are on the other camera, so the process is not as tedious as it would otherwise be.)

For those who have been waiting for months for the beach pics.... I'm sorry! I'm sure they'll be ready by next year's beach trip though. ^__^


Finally saw Beowulf--in 3D no less. It was good and I loved it, but also keep in mind I wasn't expecting it to: (a) actually be true to literature, (b) be perfect, or (c) do anything except entertain me. There was a part that, well, it's already been talked about in newspapers and other reviews, so I guess I'll just say "SPOILERS AHEAD", and those of you who don't want spoilers, skip to the next widget. I thought that the Austin Powers-esque game of hide-the-weenie-behind-a-conveniently-placed-object detracted from the point of the scene. But other than that, I was satisfied.

My dissatisfaction with the scene may have also had to do with the 13 year olds sitting behind us. I'd done my initial glare and hiss, had given them a few minutes to quiet down (they didn't) and was about to turn around to tell them to be quiet, when Kyle turned around and did it for me. I felt gratified for his saving me the trouble, but also disappointed; I kinda wanted to scare them a little. *pout*


Today I finally hung out with Jack, after canceling on him at the last minute 3 times in a row. :( At his suggestion, we went Christmas present shopping. I didn't know it at the time, but he'd only meant for me to do any shopping. He just basically went with me to each store I picked and stood around awkwardly in the typical man-stuck-shopping-with-female manner; but he seemed to be enjoying himself and was extremely patient while I spent an inordinate amount of time in stores that smelled really girly, so I guess it wasn't so bad for him.

The trip to the mall was semi-productive. I still have no freakin' clue what to get my brother. (GIMME SOME CLUES, BRO! T_T Also, how's the new place? Right across the street, eh? Kidding, kidding.)

Unfortunately, on the way back to Leesburg to drop Jack off at his car, I started feeling a little like I did the other day. Tummy = sad. But I figured I'd drive... efficiently enough so that I would not puke or make any other messes in my car.

Of course that's exactly when a pileup occurred on westbound Rte. 7, so we were stuck in traffic--which had come to a complete stop--for about 45 minutes. At one point I saw smoke billowing into the sky, so I guess there was a reason the police and firefighters had blocked off all 3 lanes.

There weren't any ambulances, so I guess that means no one was hurt. Thank goodness.

As we drove past the accident, Jack observed that it was 3 minivans, all smashed up in the middle lane. Stupid soccer moms.

Edit: Told Kyle what happened via text message. His response? "Gooooooooooooooal!" XD


Oh, in between the mall and home, Jack and I stopped by World Market. Yesterday my dad was lamenting that our favorite grocery store no longer sold Christmas Stollen, which is one of my family's favorite Christmas traditional snacks. (Our holiday "traditions" mostly revolve around food, so it doesn't really matter what culture the food came from; if we like it, it's assimilated into our holiday routine.)

So I bought two marzipan Stollen, a box of chocolate-covered egg-liqueur-filled gingerbread, a bag of chocolate-covered gingerbread hearts, a bag of chocolate-iced gingerbread (holy crap it MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH), and two bags of White Rabbit candy for Joe.

Jack got some sour gummi worms.

I bet all my Christmas munchies will be gone by next week, so I'll go back this weekend to restock. Anyone want me to pick you up anything? Libby, does your family want me to pick up any German goodies? I have to go back before they run out of the gingerbread and pfeffernussen, but there's still TONS of Stollen.


Haven't heard from Mary in a while. I hope she's ok, though it sounds as though she isn't. I text messaged her today, and she said she wasn't feeling well but wouldn't elaborate. :( Don't disappear, Mary! Feel better!


It's already 1am!

Uuuuungh transferring these photos is taking for...eh...ver. x_x


Bah, I've killed enough time. Photos still aren't done transferring. I'm goin to bed.
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