Hey y'all. I'm sick. It's not a huge deal really. Just a cold. But I'm miserable. And cancelled my Shabbat plans. (Sorry Chloe!) I hate when people are like "Oh, it's just a cold. Having a cold doesn't make you sick. It's just annoying. It doesn't stop you from doing anything." Arghh...
Lemme backtrack a bit. A week and a half ago, I decided I was going to quit my every day (heavy duty, really bad for you) asthma meds to see how well I could breathe on my own, cuz it's been years since I last tried. Cuz if I don't need them, then why should I be subjecting myself to that? I decided I would quit the meds cold turkey and check my
peakflow twice a day (which I am generally too lazy to do, because my scores almost always rock - like 90-100% of normal) to look for any changes, cuz sometimes I can't feel them. For a week and a half I was getting awesome numbers - same types of numbers I was getting when I was on the medicine. I was even exposed to pipesmoke, cold air, rain, swimming... all things that tend to set me off, and I was fine. I decided I was cured and felt stupid for having put all that medicine in my system over the years when I didn't need it. Then yesterday at work, I was a bit conjested and developed a cough. I seriously thought to myself "No worries. I don't have asthma anymore. This cold will be a piece of cake." And I went out to buy sucking candies to quiet my cough. Stupid stupid. I know. Because by yesterday evening my PF was hanging around the 70's (50-80% is considered not-too-great-but-you're-not-gonna-die. under 50%, you're supposed to go to the ER), so this morning I pumped myself full of
Ventolin and even used my
spacer (which I hate and hardly ever use), because I wasn't breathing well enough to actually be able to breathe in the inhaler the right way. I also temporarily started back up on the
Seretide, which is what I just tried to quit. It's been over a year since I last had a cold, and I totally forgot what they were like. I'm also on cold medicine and Acamol. This morning when I woke up I was in the 70s again and pumped myself full of all the drugs mentioned above. What's funny is when I woke up I wasn't coughing or sneezing so at first I thought I was doing better. Only when I tried to get up and get moving, I realized I was pretty much suffocating and didn't have the lung power to effectively cough or sneeze. Oh. What's crazy is this week when I was convinced I was cured, I was thinking about how I'm an aweful person for getting the flu and swine flu shots and taking them away from someone who actually needs them. Hah.... yeah... considering how miserable I am with a cold, that was a really dumb thing for me to think. So anyway, as of right now all the drugs are in my system and working, so I feel pretty okay. I'm making myself a big pot of chicken/turkey soup and am gonna leave it on the plata all Shabbat. I hope I feel well enough to go to work on Sunday.
Uch, every time I get sick I feel like such a baby for making such a big deal out of a cold. Colds aren't supposed to be a big deal. Thing is I have no clue what regular asthma-free colds are like. Blah.
Oh yeah, for anyone who's a Katy Perry fan and wants a laugh:
greatest cover ever!
Shabbat Shalom all!