Mar 18, 2005 12:48
my poor sweetheart is sick. his little nose is leaking like crazy! i feel so bad. i gave him my benedryl so maybe that will work. i cant believe this though, when hes not sick, i am, when im not sick, he is!! not cool. i hope he gets better soon.
last night me and my boy had fun but he was so sick he had to bring me home early. bummer. :(
late last night i was at my causin's[robert] house, online. i was waiting for midnight to come around so i can go and do something for my aunt's boyfriend. something for there wedding. i walked my happy ass all the way to the house and they didn't even answer the damn door. they were prolly doing the do. but whatever they snooze they lose. so i walked back to roberts house. robert came home. finally. told me about his night. seemd cool. then i went home and fell asleep.
my grandmother is out of town untill sunday. party ova here! lol :-D