So in order to shorten my tweets for
RoofCoffeeCup, I thought I should make some standard abbreviations to use instead of writing them all out, and also define what they mean. This list will be updated if a better description is suggested, or something missing needs to be added. Also, when tweeting reactions, please add the "#RoofCoffeeCup" hashtag, so that everyone can find the tweets by doing a simple search,
like this. I tweet the trip to and from work by themselves, but if I go out somewhere, I only tweet once.
Honk: Well, just what it says. It's when someone honks their horn to let you know. If someone uses a truck air horn or a firetruck horn, you can list that separately. I also usually only count each car that honks, not the number of honks. So if one car honks three times, I only count it as one "honk".
Point: This is when someone points at the cup, either at yours or at the roof of theirs from inside. This is not the same as the...
Mime: The mime is when someone goes through the motion of putting a imaginary and/or a real cup on their own roof. If they hold up a coffee cup in their own car, that ALSO counts as a mime, but I call it a "Full" Mime.
Stare: A stare is when anyone just stares as you go by either in a car's passenger seat or on the side of the road, but doesn't tell you.
Wave: A wave is when a driver, passenger, or pedestrian waves their arm(s) to let you know.
Flash: No, a flash is not when someone lifts their shirt at you. It's when someone flashes their car headlights at you.
Yell: A yell is when someone just yells at/to you. You can break this down, if you want, to what they yell, like Yo! or Hey! or Sir!.
Tell: A tell is when someone tells you about the coffee. This can happen while driving or be done by a pedestrian. However, if someone in another car tells you while you are at a stop light, it becomes a...
Stop-Light-Tell(SLT): A Stop Light Tell is when another driver tells you about the coffee while at a stop light. However, if in the process of telling you at a stop light, it becomes a...
Stop Light Get Out(SLGO): This is when someone gets out of their car physically. It can be either just opening the door, all the way to walking up to your door/window. The only step higher than this is a...
Stop Light Take Off(SLTO): This is when either a pedestrian or other driver attempts to take the cup off. I usually stop them by this time, thank them, and hand them a card so they can follow the cup online.
Someone Taking Your Picture or Video(Cam): Cam covers anyone you see taking your photo or video with a cell phone or camera. You'll sometimes catch people out of the corner of your eye or see a flash.
Double Take(2x Take): This is when someone looks at you, then looks again, almost like that can't believe it and have to check again.
Along-Side-Rider(ASR): An Along-Side-Rider is someone who either speeds up or slows down and pulls even with you. I usually only count someone as an ASR when they stay with me for at least a half mile/30 seconds.
Stop In Road(SIR): A Stop In Road is when someone stops in the road, and won't let you pass.
Thumbs Up Gesture(TUG): A Thumbs Up Gesture is just someone giving you a thumbs up because they dig what you are doing.
Most of these can be used with descriptors for notable events, like "Cute girl w/Cam" or "Cop on side of road point". Sometimes, a few can happen at once and each action should be counted. If someone pulls along side you while driving, honks, points at your roof, and tells you that "there's a coffee on you roof", that would be 1 ASR, 1 honk, 1 point, and 1 tell. Others can "escalate", i.e. a yell can progress to a tell, so in the end it's a tell. If someone does a SLT(Stop Light Tell), then gets out, then I count it as a SLGO(Stop Light Get Out).
If anyone thinks I missed something, or has something to add, please add a comment below.