Sep 20, 2009 00:00
- 11:45 @ EBone Leesin here ye scurvey left coaster. Stay off my coast, our you'll be sucking seawater as we keel-haul ye! #
- 12:19 So last night I downloaded an episode of a show I was watching on TV on the Splurge, and synced them up. It was very meta. #
- 12:42 What be the weirdest thing I have bought with me Dubloons? This strange liquid from the Orient, for a matey. #
- 13:59 Does anyone know how to play all podcasts on a iPod Touch instead of it just playing one artists podcast then having me navigate to the next #
- 14:41 @ appletoad from the podcast/videocast I heard about it. That's why I sent it to them. also nsfw. #
- 14:43 @ EBone I have a sports diskman. #