Stray SteveDave Thoughts

Sep 14, 2009 00:00

  • 00:06 @ infmom That's a great name. #
  • 00:15 @ blam My Dad's friend once called someone during a live press conference that was on CNN. Even with the delay, it was hilarious. #
  • 00:15 @ infmom Oh, since if was capitalized, I though his name was "Really Cute". #
  • 00:20 @ catastrophegirl You don't use Xmarks? #
  • 00:37 @ blam My old Nissan Stanza did the same thing. You could bounce n the car, no alarm. Thunder? THEN it would go off. #
  • 00:38 @ catastrophegirl Xmarks restores across browsers/computers AND lets you access your bookmarks online. #
  • 01:53 OK, that's it for me for tonight. Kittehs are bugging me to be fed. Eyelids bugging me to close. #
  • 09:03 @ OMG_Ponies Yeah, hearing that interview back when it first aired made me tune in. #
  • 09:06 Meet The Spartans was corrupted, so I'm watching Freddy Got Fingered. #
  • 09:13 OK, right big toe is stiff and achy. This does not bode well. Been over three years since my gout has attacked. #
  • 09:20 @ OMG_Ponies BTW, Gless is available on Hulu. #
  • 09:22 @ EBone Trust me, I'd take ANY of those over gout. #
  • 09:41 @ OMG_Ponies I believe you are confusing a goiter with gout.Gout is a inflammation caused by uric acid crystals. #
  • 09:57 @ OMG_Ponies Uric acid is found in organ meats, shellfish, and a byproduct of DNA/RNA breaking down. #
  • 10:03 @ OMG_Ponies About as rough as my cats do. BTW, I watched them making Les Paul's last night. #
  • 10:04 @ EBone Organ meats and shellfish, but can also be natural from the normal breakdown of DNA/RNA. Alcohol also causes the crystals to form.. #
  • 10:07 @ OMG_Ponies No, watching "Some Assembly Required" last night. They also visited New Balance. #
  • 10:09 @ EBone I drink a lot of water. Sometimes stress or an hitting the joint can cause it to act up. When I broke my leg, I had a huge attack. #
  • 10:20 @ OMG_Ponies Ginger? #
  • 10:49 They have a cave troll. #
  • 11:01 @ JohnPoveromo I was confused. I'm supposed to fan Woddy to get a free burger. #
  • 11:02 @ JohnPoveromo I still fanned you though. On facebook. Not with an actual fan. It's not hot enough anymore for that. #
  • 11:58 @ consumerchris Should I be happy I use both Adblock AND NoScript? #nytimes #
  • 12:16 @ OMG_Ponies I love that color on your walls. #
  • 12:42 @ Distortedview Man in FL demands to drink beer he shoplifted before arrest. #dvdaily #
  • 12:44 Man in FL shoplifts 3lbs of bacon down pants. #dvdaily #
  • 12:48 @ consumerchris @lnorthrup Man demands to drink beer he shoplifted before being arrested in FL. #
  • 13:22 Two days till my new iPod, and I'm wishing I sent it to work instead of home. #
  • 14:03 @ infmom Can't you just clone the drive and/or install it on another drive and use the Win2k drive as a slave? #
  • 14:03 @ OMG_Ponies Bag Balm is the best thing in the world. Good for the kittehs as well. #
  • 14:04 @ infmom I mean clone the whole drive to another HDD using ultimate boot CD. That's how I cloned my failing Mac harddrive. #
  • 14:08 This cop just had a suspect dump a hooker on the highway, and the cop didn't mention it when calling it into dispatch that she was there. #
  • 14:11 @ infmom That's what thinking outside the socks makes you think if. #
  • 14:19 @ OMG_Ponies Stay with me Ponies! We have to sing "That Loving Feeling" to Kelly McGillis! #
  • 14:24 @ infmom Is this a good deal for 1lb of thread? #
  • 14:38 If you're wearing a Jack Daniels shirt, don't drink and drive and then hit and run. #
  • 14:41 @ consumerchris The guy ditched the car after hitting two spike strips and dumped some weed out the window while evading. #
  • 14:55 @ OMG_Ponies Even a broken clock works twice a day. #
  • 15:28 @ infmom OD goes with many things, and I tend to sew things OTHER than clothes, like carrying harnesses for my LEGO "toolboxes". #
  • 15:32 @ infmom I wish I could help you, give you one of the 40+ HDD's I have or let you use my SATA/IDE to USB converter: #
  • 20:37 I finished painting the case and transferring my existing PC into the Nuclear Box. Extra fan should keep it cool. #
  • 20:51 @ Tawnie Took me 6 months to finally finish painting it & I managed to get blue fibers into the clear coat, while nothing blue was around. #
  • 20:52 @ Tawnie The WOPR mod looks promising. #
  • 22:26 OK, this weeks drugs are all sorted. #
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