last nights entry seemed hurried to me, so I'm gonna try again.
Let's see, what's been happening this week? Well, I'm still sleeping like crap. I don't know what it is. If I don't sleep well tonight, I'm just gonna have to get VERY drunk tomorrow night so I can at least pass out. Maybe that will reset my body.
Contrary to the progress I was making earlier, work has slowed down, and I'm not to happy. I think next Saturday is going to be a working day for me again. I do hate not having as much free time as I would like. Usually by the time I get home, check on the horses, go out for happy hour, do any shopping I need to get done, etc.., I have no real time to do anything. Add onto that that I'm running on E to begin with, and it's getting worse. And yet, in some sick way, I kinda enjoy it sometimes. I'm expecting some packages soon from some stuff I ordered online, which will contain some "real/work world" gear. In addition to my new daily watch, I ordered a nice high end analog watch witch also uses the same technology as my G-shock to update it's own time, witch I think will help me with my professional look. I also ordered some more ties to add to my already large collection. A lot of these are "novelty" ties, which will compliment my personality maybe on casual Fridays. I mean, a
orange tie with Dept of Corrections on it is HI-larious, as are some of the others, like
this one and
this one. I think it's funny how much more exciting it is when something comes in the mail, as opposed to picking it up at the store. Maybe it's having to wait, and opening a box to get it inside. I don't know.
I think I'm doing a fire morrow also. We have a whole mess of wood that needs to be burned, as well as a whole bunch of stuff that can be tossed on the fire. Someone's old mail pile is getting mighty big, and what better(and more satisfying) way to get rid of it, than in a old fashioned, regulation, "BON" type fire.
The weather has been wacky around these parts lately, but I'm not complaining really. Except for the heat, it's been very enjoyable. The heat has just been wrong. Well, mostly the humidity. I really hate when I get stuck in stop and go traffic on the way home from work, and it's just so hot. One good thing about the drive up is that the day hasn't had a chance to warm up yet. And the best part of the drive home is when I get to Howell. Not because it's where I live, mind you. The one road to my house off the parkway is Monmouth 18. As that road crosses the border into Howell, the road goes all tree covered. I am not lying when I say the temp drops at least 5 degrees as soon as you hit it. It kinda cools you off after dealing with all the idiots on the road, and welcomes you home. Having a reservoir less than a mile away on one side, and trees on the others, makes the air very cool round here.
I drove into work today because I just couldn't get my big rear into gear. I took off home early to beat the Benny rush, and luckily only caught a small piece of it. I really have developed a deep loathing for Bennies. I was screaming out my window at random out of state cars. I really can't wait to get a job "closer to home". Commuting was fine, but I tried it for a couple of years, and decided it's not worth it. I drive about 2 hours a day now depending on traffic. Before, two hours was just one way in my commute. True, I can't sleep while driving my car, but I et two extra hours of my life back a day now. And I do take "usually" take mass transit on Fridays, just to avoid the Benny situation. It also enables me to sit back and down some alcohol while I'm heading home, as well as stare at some of the female Bennies in various stages of undress as they approach the shore.
Speaking of out of state, and by extension, out of country, why didn't anyone tell me and BONGo that
Justine Henin is single? I mean come on people, throw me a frickin bone here, OK? I mean a hot, blonde, tennis playing, Belginease speaking, gemini has been available since like February, and I'm only finding out now? I'm verily upset. And BONGo? Well, let's just say "he's resting".
OK, I think that's it for tonight. I'm tired, and I will perchance sleep, perchance to dream. Nighters all.
Quote for Today
“Life is a test, but I confess, I like this mess I made so far.
Grade on a curve, and you’ll observe, I’m right below the horizon.
Yes. No. Maybe? I don’t know. Can you repeat the question?”
Boss of Me, by They Might Be Giants