Title: Little Brother
Gitanne101Fandom: Supernatural crossover
Rating: G
Warnings: My very first fanfiction ever! Unbeta'd so every and all mistakes are mine all mine. Author notes at the end.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but a white boxer called Logan
Summary: Ever since he was first told he was going to be a big brother, Dean had been preparing himself for the task.
Ever since he was first told he was going to be a big brother, Dean had been preparing himself for the task. Daddy had said that as a big brother he would have to take care of the little one, mommy had said that he was going to love him and would have someone to play with.
He was scared at first when after going to the hospital for a routine check up, the doctors had said there was something wrong with mommy’s blood and they needed to run more tests. At the beginning he didn’t understand much, but the look on his dad’s face told him things were very serious. For about two weeks, Mommy had to go back to the hospital several times and even stay the night once. Dean remembered clearly the day when they came back from their latest appointment, a huge smile plastered on their faces, there was no problem at all the doctors had said, it had been all some mix-up at the lab. Mommy was healthy; there was no sickness at all but a little baby brother or sister coming.
Daddy said he was to be very important in this little one’s life, so Dean would accompany them to doctor’s appointments and all things baby related-and he did. He was ecstatic, he was allowed to be part of the grown up world, he could ask doctors questions, that was important! He needed to know everything so he could help once the baby was here. In his little child’s mind the role of caretaker was never a burden but an honor; ‘big brother’ rang to his ears parallel to ‘colonel’ or general’. Staff got used to Dean running around the hospital and he became particularly fond of a ‘yellow haired’ doctor that would mess up his hair and tell him his little brother was going to be a heart breaker if he turned up like him.
As her mommy’s belly started growing, he would sit by her and talk to the baby, telling him stories and describing things because he wanted the little one to know what he was going to find in the outside world. As the birth date became closer, Dean started to worry about not being able to fill the big brother shoes, and he would ask dad to have a ’serious’ conversation with him. John was taken aback by the depth of concern on his firstborn’s part, and did his best to calm him down and assure him he was going to be the best big brother in history. By now, Dean knew that the little one coming was a boy, good because he really didn’t like girls much, they were silly and he would not be able to teach her about trucks and cars things like that. He couldn’t wait to meet him, would he look like dad? Or maybe he’d look like mom? Would he have his eyes? Would others be able to tell they were brothers?
He went with them for the last ultrasound before the birth. Everything was fine at first but then the yellow haired doctor asked for him to be taken out of the room. He didn’t understand what he had done wrong. The orderly that took him out told him it had nothing to do with him but that the grown ups needed to talk in private. He would stare at her, arch his little eyebrow and inform her, in no uncertain terms, that he was a ‘big brother’, so he should have been allowed to stay. As he was explaining this, he saw his mommy being carted out of the room fast and taken down the hall, followed by daddy who only stopped for a second to pick him up and run after. He was crying, and Dean didn’t know what to do. Mommy and the doctors disappeared behind a set of doors and daddy was hugging him so tight it kind of hurt. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but his dad looked so sad. Finally, John turned to him and told him something was not right and that the doctor had found it in the ultrasound, that his little brother was not well and that he might not be coming home with them. He asked if his brother was going to go live elsewhere and the look daddy gave him made him uneasy and sad. It felt like hours to him sitting there hugging his father trying to make him feel better-as a big brother he had to take care of dad too. The doctor came out and words were exchanged, ugly words like ‘too late’, ‘out of our hands’, ‘asphyxia’, and ‘I’m sorry’. Words that made his daddy cry so hard that Dean promised himself to never let John cry like that again. They went home without mommy; she had to stay the night. Once he had mustered up enough courage to ask about his little brother, the only answer he received was that angels were watching over him now and that maybe in the future he’d finally get to be a big brother.
A non-descript van pulled up at the gates of a military complex in the outskirts of Gillette, Wyoming. A ‘yellow haired’ woman flashed an ID to the guards and entered the facilities carrying with her a tiny bundle of cloth and a file with X5-331845739494 engraved on it.
Author's notes: Last night my sleep deprived brain started wondering about Alec's surrogate mother and Dean's deep rooted big brother issues and this is how it explained both, go figure!
I know timelines are warped and screwy, but for the sake of this let's pretend that DA and SPN happen around the same years.
Thanks for reading, constructive criticism is most welcome and craved.