Feb 13, 2006 13:56
Lately, since my Mika doggie is feeling better, we've resumed our long walks. I am having to do increasing t'ai chi practice, even getting up in the middle of the night a couple of times, to ease the pain in my hips and low back. It appears the bursitis is flaring up yet again -- UGH! -- and my acupuncturist is on vacation, wouldn't you know? :=O The extra t'ai chi besides my daily practice relieves the pain much better than Motrin around the clock, every eight hours. It also doesn't raise my blood pressure like heavier use of Motrin does... So, I am just taking the Motrin at night before bedtime. It doesn't eliminate the pain, so I turned to t'ai chi.
Anyway, what I am finding is that all the extra t'ai chi for pain relief, besides the normal daily practice, is making me feel "spacey." LOL! Like I'm more connected to the world of Spirit than I am to THIS physical one. It's kind of like a feeling of astral traveling, but without the ability to split off and see myself from another point. It feels a little like a suppression of my desire to be normally "connected" with the world around me. Yet at the same time, I am more in tune with the present moment. And that also relates well to training Mika. And deepens our connection in ways that I wasn't open to, before. The old attitude, "she dog, me big human who knows all" is fast disappearing. She is a separate being. Speaks a different language. To connect together, to "dance" together, I have to be wide open, sensitive to what she's telling me, observant as all heck, to know the telling moment, and how to communicate to her what I am asking of her. And by doing so, I am earning her trust and her willingness to do what I ask. All this extra t'ai chi is giving me a mental focus that brings us together.
Who'd a thought? Working with a dog, training a dog, is a spiritual journey! ;))