Nov 03, 2009 23:13
When I was browsing my friends' pages on Facebook, I found a picture that my friend's other friend tagged her. The title was, "Letter from Indon husband to Indon wife maid" or something like that. Seeing the name of how Malaysians would call my country, I clicked the picture. There were 3 people in the picture. The husband, the daughter and the brother. I clicked next and the first page of the letter was there. There were 2 pages of the letter, and the content was to give mental support to the wife who was working as a maid in Kota Damansara, Malaysia, which is where I'm studying at now. The letter was written by the daughter, telling things that would make the wife proud like "Bro won the ngaji [Qoran reading] competition!" The letter also said things like, "We hope this letter and this picture of us will give you motivation. Please do your best there! We miss you!" The wife's family was in Bandung, my hometown.
The comments for the picture were not like how I thought would be. I was so touched and I thought the wife would be really proud of her family, so I expected comments with that kind of tones too. But what I saw was people laughing at the letter as if it was a sick joke. There were some comments that had the same impression like mine, but only minority. Even the guy who posted it said, "Ah yeah, sending it back to the wife is a big plan now!" or something. I don't know who the wife was or who the rest of the family members were, but I'm disappointed on how people reacted. I think they were my age, and people my age should know better about privacy and politeness than five-year-old children. Why, instead of sending the letter straight back to the wife, would the guy post it on Facebook and make it a joke? How would he feel if he were the husband and the same thing happened to what his children wrote to their mom?
I'm so upset. :/
Maybe because the family came from my hometown, so I kind of feel there is some sort of connection between me and the family. Or, maybe because earlier my mom said that my maid is quitting her job at our house. I love her like a sister and I haven't seen her since I went to Malaysia, which was 3 months ago! And she'll go to her hometown which is a distinct region in a different part of Java island this Saturday without me having the chance to meet her one last time. I feel like crying right now. T-T Sure, I'll be able to send her letters and ask her to phone me sometimes, but she'll have to get a job somewhere and it will be hard to reach her.
I'm so sad... :'(
Anyway, sorry guys! My 2 recent posts are emotional. =_= But please bear with me... Hahaha.