Sometimes the life-situation of someone you know seem so overwhelmingly horrible that it just gives an incredible sadness. My heart bleeds while it rolls around and around in my head just wishing that I could come up with the magic solution to solve it, make the burden lighter, take the pain away. My own inadequacy in being able to change things,to come up with a solution just corrodes and eats away at my inside. I want to help, fix, solve. What words do you come up with to comfort, to smooth over, to change things? Why does it always seem like the easy way out to try and put it aside internally, as if pain and sorrow and difficulty which can't be solved in the immediate can just be shelved away if it becomes too inconvenient to deal with? This one situation in particular haunts me, no easy words to smooth over, no easy placations to fix. If love and concern and hugs could reach through the internet and heal, I'd gladly send them all day long.
Maybe the only advice that I have is that sometimes life is a sea of foam where everything bright and good is covered over in muck. But even this dissipates with time. The only thing we can do in dark days is to remember that Life changes and surprises and brings joy again even when it doesn't seem like it ever will.
May the small things one by one add up to something bigger to smile about.
And give you wings to fly away.