Come with me and take this journal.

Jul 23, 2012 01:05

There are days that I wonder how it is I've gotten as far as I have, given that I am probably one of the most undisciplined people out there. It takes a supreme amount of effort sometimes for me to focus and get something done; even if it is goal that I'm otherwise serious about achieving. I don't know why this is. I am certainly a king among procrastinators. This makes certain types of tasks, such as learning a foreign language, daunting for me. It really is a wonder that graduated from college, let alone made it to graduate school.

For example, I've been meaning to write more here. I used to enjoy writing. But now, it never happens, even when I am in a comfortable environment to write, such as sitting in bed with my laptop like I am doing right now. (I'm also very particular about where I read -- but that's another story entirely.) Lately, I have had intent, but I always find something else to do to pass the time. It's just this weird sense of inertia that I have. I'm thankful that I'm not an aspiring writer. I'd never get anything off of the ground.

Anyway. Things on my mind at the moment:

1. Why is it that after a major mass shooting, there are always a few idiots who like to chime in with "if someone else in [name the place] had a gun, they might have been able to stop [the bad guy]". It's always these small-dick Rambo types that say it, too. They imagine themselves heroes of their own personal Hollywood film, I suppose. Frankly I don't want any untrained asshole near me strapping during a situation like that. Listen, Dirty Harry: if you'd been in that darkened theater in the midst of screaming, tear gas, and gunfire, the odds are high that since you haven't had any training, you're not whipping out your 9mm manhood. The reality is you're probably in cover, trying not to soil yourself. It takes training to know how to comport yourself during that sort of situation. And if, wonder of wonders, you do manage to have the presence of mind to draw your piece with the intention of playing hero, the odds are better that you're going to Barney Fipe yourself, or blow the face off that screaming woman a row over. Did I mention there was tear gas? Yeah, you're going to be the hero and save the day. Asshole.

2. Caught up with the second season of Game of Thrones, since it aired while I was in Europe. Two thumbs up. I'm even ok with the changes in the adaptation. The Blackwater episode was pretty epic. I've always liked Stannis Baratheon. He is one no-nonsense, hard man.

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No speechifying here. No siree, all business.

Gee, I wonder what will happen to Robb Stark next season? (Just kidding.)

3. I desperately want a Harley. Because I am in graduate school, I might as well desperately want to be on the first manned Mars expedition, too.

I think this dude killed the first two expeditions, actually.

Ok, maybe not. The Harley might be slightly more within reach, but it all looks the same at the moment.

I deny the fact that I've just finished four seasons of Sons of Anarchy as having anything to do with this. Ok, maybe a little. But I've always wanted one anyway. This just revived a dormant interest. On a side note: if you haven't watched that show, go stream it off of Netflix or Amazon. It is one of the best things on television, really tightly written. I've got more to write on motorcycles and riding in another post.

4. Missouri is on my mind. I really would like to get back there before the Fall quarter fires up at the end of September. I know it's been hotter than the hinges of the gates of hell there, but as much as I love Seattle's sunny and mild summers, it will never be home here. I want to hear chirping crickets, home air conditioning units spooling up, go down to Table Rock and just drink some Boulevard and relax. Just for a week or so. Maybe I'll hit a scratcher card or something to make it happen. It's very frustrating to me, because I've got enough frequent flyer miles to get there -- just need car rental and lodging for a few days.

5. The acute ass-grinding poverty of graduate school really makes me wonder if I have made the correct decision. See #4.

6. Part of me wants to switch my focus from Fascist appropriation of classicism to 16th century Venetian painting. I've really got it bad from Titian and Tintoretto. Or maybe it's just Venice.

Right, that's it for now.
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