Apr 06, 2012 00:03
I suppose it's time that I ought to post something.
While I've been here for pushing two weeks now, that past four days I've spent locked up in my apartment, hacking and coughing with some sort of travel plague. I can tell you now from patient observation that there isn't a single straight line or right angle in the entire apartment. It's sort of Lovecraftian and amazing. I've got an appointment to see an Italian doctor this evening at 6.30, and although I think I'm already over the worst of it, some antibiotics to get me over the hump probably wouldn't be such a bad idea. Maybe I've got consumption, like someone in a 19th century opera.
Of my adventures -- if you can really call them that -- before I was struck down with this illness, there isn't much to write. Hiked all the hills one day last week, doing a circuitous route around the city. The Aventine is quiet, with a cool breeze and a pleasant view, but it is a pain to get up when you're a lard ass. Still, it's rewarding. Went out to San Giovanni in Laterno last week, as well. I also did a presentation on the the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus while on the Capitoline.
Did I mention I have to get out of this apartment?
I forgot to purchase a rain jacket before I left, so last weekend I went searching for one among the local fare. Couldn't find any in my size that didn't make me look like a Bulgarian weightlifting coach. Which which was funny, but not 60 Euros worth of funny.
That being said, between the hiking and being sick I'm losing weight. I don't know how much, but it has to be significant, because I can actually *see* it when I look in the mirrors, which are placed at almost every conceivable angle in the bathroom.
In other news, the food is excellent -- I even found an Indian place for carry out a block from my apartment -- and so far I am managing the crowds. Almost had a minor freakout Saturday night from the pressing throngs of humanity -- where I am living, Trastevere, is where EVERYONE goes on the weekend, with festival crowds all night long -- but I managed to keep it together. I just want to get over this bug I have.
More later, maybe I'll get some pics uploaded.