Oct 29, 2012 12:57
As many of you may have noticed, I never post here anymore. I do read my flist and comment, on occasion.
The threatened new design changes to the flist page are likely to make it impossible for me to read my flist on my usual devices. If anyone has a dreamwidth account I havn't already subscribed to, please let me know. As far as flist here goes, I'll keep a filter of 'people with no dw presence who still post on lj regularly' and check it every couple weeks.
This is also a notification of a grand flist cleaning (my first)! If you still want accees to my old locked entries, let me know.
Fic will remain here. New fic may well be posted here, if I find another fandom that inspires me. DW username available on request, but I don't anticipate making many (or indeed, any) posts there.