all's well that ends well

Sep 16, 2006 21:53

Today was a long, trying day at work (tons of customers who were affronted that we wouldn't accept their returns, despite their blatent violations of the return policy), and I was too exhausted to do more than kick off my shoes when I got home. But after some lazing in bed with a book, hunger finally won out and I put my shoes back on and took my book out for a panini at Andiamo's up on Main St. (I'd never been there before, but I heard one of their ads on the radio, and it mentioned that it had panini and gelato, and right then and there I swore that I would visit it before the week was out.) It was delicious. While I was walking there, a kinda sketchy guy with scruffy-blond-white-boy-dreads commented on the way I was "strutting", and I couldn't help but grin at him because, I'll be honest, I was still in my nice work clothes, I'd thrown on my hot new jacket... and I was wearing my boots, which always make me kinda swagger anyways... so yeah, I was kinda strutting a bit. Or a lot. *sheepish grin*

Anyways, after eating, I set back out for home, and just down the street a little ways (in front of the church where people always hang out) was this crazy impromptu outdoor music-y gathering thing with three guys with guitars and one hot girl with a huge hoop (like a hula hoop. Only way, way cooler. 
siodhchan knows what I mean, I'm sure.) The music was a kinda mellow reggae, and I sat down on the edge of the grass and pulled out my book and just listened for a bit, and it was awesome. And then this pretty white moth flew down in front of me. I really love moths, so I put my hand down and let it crawl onto my thumb. And then I breathed on it, soft and warm, the way you breathe on eyeglasses, because it was kinda cool out, and I know that both moths and butterflies like to be breathed on like that when it's cold (don't ask how I know this-- all I have to say is that it involves many summer nights as an insomniac angsty teen spent sitting out in the garden.) Anyways, it seemed to really like that, because it just chilled on my hand for the whole time I was sitting listening to the music, which was 20-30 minutes, I'm sure. Sometime in there, the previously-mentioned slightly sketchy guy came by on a bike, and stopped in front of me and introduced himself. Since I tend to freeze up whenever someone shows even the remotest interest in me, it was pretty easy for me to do the distant-but-friendly thing, which I felt surprisingly un-guilty about. I think the fact that he was smoking helped with that. *grin* After Eli, I resolved to quit smokers. Also, I had no attraction to him whatsoever. So that helped. Anyways, he commented on my befriending of the moth, which I admit I was kinda proud of. After he left, the moth left my hand and fluttered up to sit half on my cheek, half on the earpiece of my glasses. I was very, very pleased. I REALLY like moths.

The concerty thing started disintegrating into a sorta jam session, and my butt was getting damp from sitting on the grass, so I got up and started home, trying to keep my strut slow enough (usually I walk really fast) so that I wouldn't blow the moth off. Apparently I succeeded, because a few minutes later when I ran into my hot co-worker Melea (who I'd just been thinking about, of course! because I'm a crushed-out loser like that) and her two friends down on Pleasant St., her friend (whose name I of course can't remember) whipped out his camera and took a picture of me. I can't tell if Melea was freaked out or impressed by my moth-taming skillz, but I managed at least to reassure her that it was alive and riding on me willingly. I hope she was impressed. Sigh. I want her SO BAD. Anyways, where was I? I don't know. I made it home with the moth still chillin', and I tried to take a picture of it. Apparently the flash agitated it, though, because then it fluttered off onto my bed. I picked it up with a piece of paper and tried to feed it some honey water, but it doesn't seem interested. It was chilling on my hand for a bit, but it didn't like it when I was typing, and fluttered off to somewhere behind my moniter. I'll find it in a bit.

Many pictures will follow, because I'm a dork like that.
...I just realized while cropping pics that OMG I was wearing my favorite moth shirt tonight! No wonder the moth liked me! *such a dork*

For your viewing pleasure... Megan with Moth...

The moth chilling on my face:

...I am always astonished at the way my nose looks whenever I see pictures of myself in profile. Does this happen to anyone else? I think I must just have a weird nose. It never really got over the whole Jewish-mixed-with-Puerto-Rican thing.

Chillin with my 6-legged homie:

More hot moth-on-Megan action:

Also, here're some pics from the company picnic last weekend, to which I brought a super-scandalous TWO boyfriends.
From left to right:
Raymond, smiling his beautiful smile; Lou in his sexy cat hat; me, smiling in that stupid awkward way that I do when I forget what to do with my face when I'm getting my picture taken; and The Other Megan from work (somehow in my last 3 jobs, there's always been another Megan. I don't know how this happens!)

*examines the picture* Heh. Anyone else think it's funny how we seemed to subconsciously arrange ourselves from darkest- to lightest-skinned?

Next, a super-goofy picture of the-other-Megan and I making a big "M" because, well, I don't remember what our excuse was. There was a lot of silliness going on during that picnic, but I suspect I was the instigator for this particular bit. Sigh. Megan's such a good sport. God, I wish I could NOT look stupid in one of these pictures!

And, finally, because I've been reading a lot of crazy aunt purl lately, and am feeling a lot of blog-envy, here's a random picture that I took earlier this week while on the way to my favorite hang-out, the Esselon Cafe. (I go to the Esselon as often as possible-- usually just on my days off, but today I got up early, and went there before work, which was a fabulous way to start the day. Unless it's raining, I bike there via the Norwottuck rail trail, and it's a beautiful trail, with lots of interesting sights to see... including some very old, rusty cars sitting in the woods, buried under many years' worth of growth. Here's my favorite:)

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