I'm sick now too. It was inevitable really- both me and my sis in one basement room, sleeping in the same bed, hanging around each other while I take care of her?- Yah, I was bound to catch it as well.
props however, with the help of my Teas and Tonics, I did NOT catch it as bad as my sister. Her cough was bronchial by the second/third day, I don't even have a persistent one. Woots to preventative traditional medicines!
Had a really good day despite all this... first off, a lovely lovely LOVELY Grimmjow fan form Capslock Bleach sent me the goods she picked up for me in Japan.
Holy bloody CRAP.
I thought I was paying for the miniature clock and dangler- but it's a whole shmorgesborg of Mr. Feetie delight!
I got a file folder with Mr. Feeties, and his Brother the Saddest-Clown-in-the-World, together with papa evil!Aizen... and a Shitajiki (pencil board) that had Grimmjow vs. Ichigo on one side, and Hitsy and Ichigo on the other... and ADORABLE note pad with the Kitty!Brothers, made for taking down notes as well as passing little slips! The tiny alarm clock of Mr. Feetie goodness, the dangly charm (that is now hung on my bag) and a transparent decal of Mr. Feeties!
I was thrilled to say the least.
Finally, what also put me over the top was I finally finished my work today- some perosnal project I was working on.
All the cool kids were doing it, so I had to as well.
Pixel/Sprite art.
Lookie lookie what I did:
Mmmmm... Aztec Jaguars.... in front of pyramid... not culturally accurate in position, but I wanted a stylized side-scrolling video game type of layout.
And of course, HORSIE! I did that one for my sister... it's dimensions are for a Blackberry, not like the Jaguars where I stuck with the most wide spread screen ratio for the pick (but it IS a pan, so longer than the general ratio).
Oh, how could I do something without including him? My first love, my being of worship since I was a child- Godzilla. I used to dress up as him and smash Barbie tea-parties with all the rage a little 6 year old Godzilla-wanna-be could. It's no wonder the girls never liked me. XD
So after I did that little "animation" of good ol' Godzy, I had to put him in a scene with my other favorite Godzilla monster: Giganu! I drew a pic of him as a kid.. I have to dig it up when I got bakc to Toronto to show you guys. GOD I love him. I have to buy the anniversary dolls of him and Godzilla. Becuase that's the way I roll. XD
And by them, CHUBA-KINS! These little guys I am/have developed for an idea I want to pitch one day- for a younger audience, probably between the ages of 6-12. Either way, cutie little guys. :)
So that's it for me for now. It's WAY too late, and I should go to bed!