The Post about Eveyrthing - Part 3 of 3

Aug 09, 2009 14:46

Part 3 of my 3 part post

It was recently I had a major occurrence in my life- I had obtained, or rather, gifted an Eagle feather.

Some people don’t even realize at how important or profound this occurrence is. You cannot buy Eagle feathers. They are illegal in trade and commerce because of the highly endangered aspect of their species. Some Aboriginal people will go throughout their entire lives without so much as touching one, or even seeing one (other than on the bird). Most of the time, if there is a feather about, it belongs to a cultural worker or someone in a position to conduct ceremonies- and so very important for the task.
I could try and equate this to something Western... like, imagine finding $1,200 on the road. And even then, it doesn’t have the spiritual significance of it.

I already have an Owl feather, gifted to me by my friend KW (The same K that’s my friend at the zoo).

Shortly after, I was on a “crusade” to find a Heron feather for my Sensei.
We have a Blue Heron in our ravine. I think I mentioned this before. And she moved in a while back. This puzzled us because they flock in 6-12 birds. Not singles.
I met her one- and she was asleep. I went back frequently to visit- al the while trying not to scare her off.
Truth be told, it’s a slow process, and I decided to go in “further” when I wanted that feather.
Leaving my experiences and personal exchanges with the bird out, I figured it would be quite some time before I could be so bold to ask for a feather.
And so, once again, synchronicity stepped in. We recently had a generous donation to our cultural facility. It was a LOT of feathers, skins, and other stuff donated to us by a woman- who’s nature of the donation was both her things and some of those who passed away, or passed them along.
In the donations, was a bag with multiple blue heron feathers.
I got so skiddish, and even thought it was not intended for me, I asked if I could rummage through the things and look (this was at reception where I work).
Well, low and behold, the cultural coordinator totally realizes my interest and I even graciously ask if I could have one of them. And she agrees.
When she gifted me the bag, she left all the feathers there. She might have only taken 1, but the rest are there.

So here I am, the owner of some of the most valuable feathers in the community.

And while the feathers themselves hold great medicine, it was the actual occurrences around them that were “signs” for me.

The Owl feather was gifted form a friend, at a story telling meet, where I told my story, showed my short film, and displayed my art. The Owl is to night what Eagle is to the day. However, Owls themselves are bad omen birds. To see and owl means someone you know will die. TO hear the voice of an owl means it is calling the name of a relative you know, and soon they will die. To see one staring at you and calling means they are calling YOUR name (Native American belief- Cree, Ojibway, and certain NWP).
If an owl is staring at you, it can see your soul. When the owl squints, it is “searching for the soul” within you. If the eyes stay squinted it means there is evil in your soul. If the eyes grow wide- your soul is good (Ainu belief).
To hear an owl screech overhead is a sign of disaster and calamity to come. (Ainu belief).
It was a significant gift since the owl- a wild one- was plucking its feathers and dropping them on to the Story Teller. When the Story Teller too a pause form speaking, the Owl stopped and pepped. He would turn to the Owl and tell him not to worry, he will finish the story.

The Nature of the Eagle feather was written in a previous post when I went to the zoo. I’ll copy paste for convenience:

It was then that we had brought up our own individual practices, and if some of us actually had Manitous, Tunghat, Helpers, Na[g]huals and the lot. K and I got to talking, and she offered that before she had to go, she’s drop me off at one of my “families”. I asked if we could go to the Jaguars. I wanted to got to the Wolves [My Manitou/Way], but they were a long ways off, and I figured if they are anything like me, the heat of the day would render them “out of commission” and they wouldn’t be up and active at all. K laughed that I was “on the ball” with that one, so we went to see my Nahual.
I was hanging around the enclosure taking pics of the female (she’s the melanistic one, and was on the move), and just talking to them. I do this often with animals as I was taught by some Anishinabe Elders that you do this with animals. After all, they are the same as us. We can share our voices and our silence with them. When people came by, I just quieted down and watched for way to long, thinking about the day and everything that happened- both infuriating and amazing.
I also was thinking about the Aztec teaching of my Nahual, the Obsidian day that I was born on, and of course, the story of the Jaguar’s younger brother- Ocelotl.
The female Jaguar came over from her pacing and stopped right in front of me. She standing right in front of me (in the enclosure) and just looking. Not panting, not walking, not twitching. Just LOOKING at me. If I moved a bit to the left, her head followed. If I oved right, her head followed. It was then when I just looked down in thought that I noticed right in front of me- square on the green bush RIGHT in front of me- a GIANT black feather. It was in the “moat” area of the enclosure... only separated by a small fence and bar that I was leaning on. I squeezed my head and arm between the fence and bar, reached over and pulled the feather into my hand.
I was stunned. It is an eagle feather. A REAL eagle feather. A primary as well- it’s the length of my forearm, and the “stem” is the length of my palm. I even noticed the bit of tattered and missing feather at the base of it that was probably the reason for the discard.
I was a little bit stunned at the “find” when I looked back into the enclosure.
One lady mentioned to her spouse how “that girl found a big father... and that cat just keeps looking at her.”
After a bit, I just nodded my head in a half-bow of thanks, and the Jaguar just went back to pacing.
When I Told Master George (Master of Okichitaw) of the Eagle Clan, he said “You know what she was telling you? You are she are the same.”. When I told another Elder she said “She was showing you where that feather was.”

Now all this is fine and dandy.
But what does this have to do with the little thing in my last post you ask?

Well, I was cleaning the feathers the other day. To clean them, you need to offer tobacco, wash them with Cedar, then Sage, and depending on the feather, hang them for a day.
Also, with the eagle and owl feather, they are not to be/come in contact with people who recently have indulged- i.e. Alcohol or Drugs. All feathers- especially the ones for stronger medicine- are to be kept separately- folders, boxes, etc- and sometimes laid on a bed of cedar chips.

It was when I was cleaning them, certain thoughts came to mind.
I cleaned the feathers as I received them. First the Owl, Then the Eagle. Then the Heron.
Asides form the obvious symbolism of the order, there were issues that came to surface.
While Owl and the Heron had their own, what stunned me was the Eagle feather.

It was after I obtained the Eagle feather, I had met a certain someone. That someone fit the bill of certain criteria (I mentioned this in my previous post). Just like my dream, the eagle appeared. The path? Similar to the one physically at the zoo by the Jaguar cage… symbolically similar to the bought I am in. And as of 2 days ago, I found out something about him that again, not only fits the “criteria bill” that I have written from all those years, but it’s too exact and specific a thing to call “coincidence”.

But the issue still remains- I feel as if I am in contest with one (or perhaps 2) other people for him. And I’m a little distressed.

I am reminded that if something is meant to be, then it will happen. Today, a very close person who has the “Elk” Way spoke to me. (For all those interested- if you want to be matched up, or match-made with someone- go ask an Elk Way. These guys get their unions 100% of the time. Not for nothing the Chief of the Deer People helped that Man so long ago obtain the wife he desired, and even the Celts associated the union of marriage with the Elk. These guys know their stuff!)
Even he suggested to “keep it cool”. I told him the criteria, I told him what happened, and still he said “Your voice has far too much energy in it. You sound different than when I spoke to you last. This is what is important. Stay cool. You don’t have to “complete” with anyone if he is “the one”. He’ll love you regardless of 1000 different women about. Just stay cool.”
I also took note of all that I was telling others (the whole 3 of you) that read and responded to my lengthy post… I am disheveling the same advice that I should be taking.

I guess I’m all in a panic because of the tight situation I am in. In the last 5 years alone, only 2 people have been admitted to “Wolf Way”. Both were women. The reasons for this is Wolf Way is a Harmonious way, characterized by both male and female being equal (Elk way, Male dominant, Bear way, Female dominant, etc). But there is a “prophecy” that said when one of the Ways vanish, the entire system will collapse. This was attributed to the fact that in the last 100 years, the Way that has always been the smallest- the Wolf Way- has dwindled to a fraction. And it is Female dominant- with over 2/3 being just female. Current standing, 3 males, and 27 females in our area alone (and all 3 males spoken for. 2 are over middle age, and one is younger but nearing there and already taken… obviously). In comparison, there are over 200 of most of the other symbols, some even up into the 500 peoples.
What bites the most? Some of the Ways are matched up with Different Ways- I.E. Bear and Mouse, Bear and Fox, Bear and Woman. Copper and Woman, Copper and Canoe. Fox with Rooster, Fox with Bear, Fox with Lynx… etc
Some Ways can only marry themselves: Porcupine with Porcupine. The same goes for Wolf.
Who’s following the problem here?

I get frustrated at hearing “I’m a Wolf Totem” every single day from the HOARDS of new age/furries/ whatever out there. They have no concept of what “Wolf” means in the traditional Aboriginal cultures. I wouldn’t care if they said “Oh, my fursona is a Wolf” ok, that’s fine by me. But they use the term “totem”- which I have ranted about on SEVERAL occasions- it gets my goat. Especially when they try to pass of the pseudo Native American images and concepts- that are false- as legit. Even the Ainu and Japanese view this creature in a STARK different way than the West… and far more attuned to its real attitude. I stood in those tests and in front of Medicine Men and Women… and what was said was said to be.
So the prospect of finding a male Wolf… a REAL “Wolf” Way... it’s just overwhelming. I feel as if I don’t snatch him up, I never will find one again. I’m looking for something even more rare than my Eagle feather.
Can you not feel my anxiousness.

And what’s worse- as even said by my Elk friend- you can’t be honest. In this day and age, everyone has to be “nice” and sadly, being strait forward scares people off more than it does them a show of honesty. You be honest- just not ALL that honest.
If I went up to the guy and told him all this? He would Run. AWAY. FAST. And of course I won’t because it’s MY belief, and not necessarily his… but you see the added stress I’m in?
Yes, it’s all my doing, I accept that. And yes, all this could be a bunch of bull.
But it isn’t bull to me. It’s quite real- and quite obvious to my eyes.

There are a lot of things coming out lately. Things that I was reserved about before, but now they are spilling. I swear, it’s that eagle feather.
I’ll be making a drum this week. It’s going to be one for my Helper.
I’ll be passing along teaching to my Sensei about the medicines, and making a folder for his feather to be delivered to him next week.
Just too much happening, and still my mind are on things to come. Or, possible things to come.

So that’s why my panties are in a bunch. And when I get emotional, I tend to not feel well. And this bother me to no end.

I’m off to run some errands. Today, I have some work, but I have an early night. Tomorrow is Aikido, and I want to be in tip top shape for class.

aikido, spiritualism, life, owl, eagle, native american, heron, wolf

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