So I was totally lovin' the whole "Berwald Oxinsteirn" name that Hetalia's author gave the character. I love it when the authors/creators give those kinds of personal unique attributes to characters. Tt makes them richer. XD
Either way, Enjoy my art dump of Su-san and Tino comics. Please click on the images for full size. :)
I'm sure Finland knows those National Geographic facts by watching Su-san eat the bones from the chicken soup.
Su-san is the jealous type. And the primal type. He'll "mark" his territory fiercely. Not surprising that France can totally pick up on it. That guy lives of pheromones.
Berwald is one fierce bear man... but a teddy bear at heart. Id' imagine it would be so amazing to sleep in the same bed with him. Like a giant stuffed animal.
Of course, this isn't lost on Finland either.
I'd also imagine that he would leave a big warm spot in the bed. :)
Giant warm spot, giant wet spot.
Get used to it Finland! It happens with a lot of guys. XD
I also know that there are no Polar Bears in Sweden- it's a common misconception, and I AM AWARE OF IT. However, the author and the play on the name is what I'm going for. The national animal of Sweden is The Moose, and the national animal of Finland is the brown bear. So yah, that's a tiny Brown Bear that is frightened of the Polar Bear.
Also, I called it "North Bear", because I wanted something cheesy, but "Ice Bear" would sound like I'm rippin' The Dark Materials Trio.
Oh, and if you don't know what a "wet spot" is, go ask your parents or friends. I ain't explaining it. XD