I believe you should always be your number one critic. Living in constant evaluation of yourself. If you see that there is something that you can better, do it. Better yourself everyday of your life. But along with self criticism you should also compliment. Recognize the good that you have done and are doing. So this entry will be a praise of
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I like the word "Appraise," since it is most often connected with a careful evaluation of the worth of things rare and precious... and we are, all-of-us, rare and precious creatures. I completely agree that people ought to appraise their lives continuously (or at least periodically, for those for whom continuously is too emotionally exhausting). Oh yeah... appraise is also frequently used in connection with real-estate, which metaphor extends nicely to self-improvement. You're trying to improve your personal equity. :)
Congrats on the discipline! You looked fit and lovely at the party, so there must be something to this whole taking-care-of-yourself thing? Whodathunk? ;)
Oh yeah... and here are some gratuitious nutrition facts about Watermelon. ;P
That tiny cube on which you delicately nibbled was considerably less than this quantity, but even in a 2 cup (~280g) serving:
Calories 80
Calories from Fat 0
% Daily Recommended Allowances
Fat (0g) 0%
Cholesterol (0mg) 0%
Sodium (10mg) 0% (<-- statistically, anyways)
Carbohydrates (27g) 9% (<-- 2% fiber, 25% sugars)
Protein (1g)
Vitamin A 20%
Vitamin C 25%
Calcium 2%
Iron 4%
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