Nov 19, 2008 12:22
Well, apparently for the Choctawhatchee project I need to include the Pea subbasin, so I have to go back and reclip everything to a new extent. Grr. That's what I've been doing all day so far, other than read a mail file and my email.
Tomorrow Beth starts so we'll see how that goes. It probably means it will be difficult to concentrate up front because of all the talking and people introducing themselves and I probably won't get much done. But there's a new ESRI online training seminar that I want to take part in tomorrow, Editing tips and tricks 3, so that will be an hour of my time. I just have to figure out some way to actually listen to it. I need to bring in some headphones with a long cord to reach the back of my computer.
Other than that, happy GIS Day! I really wish I could go to the meeting at KSU tonight. :(
gis day,
fws internship